Friday,  09/20/2024

New progress in land border demarcation between Vietnam, Cambodia

Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Foreign Minister and Head of the National Border Committee Le Hoai Trung has hailed the significance of the signing of two legal documents on land border demarcation and border marker planting between Vietnam and Cambodia.
New progress in land border demarcation between Vietnam, Cambodia hinh anh 1
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Cambodian counterpart Samdech Techo Hun Sen sign a Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 and 2005 Treaties on the Delimitation of National Boundaries on October 5. (Photo: VNA)

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Cambodian counterpart Samdech Techo Hun Sen signed a Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 and 2005 Treaties on the Delimitation of National Boundaries, and witnessed the signing of a protocol on land border demarcation and market planting on October 5.

The signing of the two documents affirms the two countries’ good will in peacefully settling border issues in line with international law and based on the principle of respecting each other independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality and mutual benefit, the Deputy FM said in an interview granted to the press the same day.

The documents will create an important and convenient legal framework for border management.

Vietnam and Cambodia share about 1,245 km of land border, and they have demarcated 1,045 km, or 84 percent, and built 2,037 border markers, he said, adding this facilitates coordination between authorised forces of both sides to better manage the borderline and ensure safety and security in the border regions.

Besides, the demarcation will facilitate socio-economic development along the border line and people-to-people exchange between ten Vietnamese border provinces and nine Cambodian localities, and contribute to the friendship and cooperation for development between the two countries, according to Deputy FM Trung.

He also said the signing of the documents created a strong driving force for the two sides to deal with the remaining work.

The diplomat reiterated that Vietnam’s persistent policy is to well settle the land border issues with its neighbours on the basis of international law so as to nurture long-term relations with the countries. Vietnam shares a borderline on land with China, Cambodia and Laos, with boundary delimitation and border marker planting already completed with China and Laos./.
