Friday,  09/20/2024

Commending 11 “Typical young families”

(LSO) – On June 22, at the Provincial Culture and Arts Center, the Steering Committee of Family Affairs in the province organized a commendation for “Typical young family” in 2020.

Attending were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Family Affairs Steering Committee; representatives of departments, commissions, sectors, member unions of the Steering Committee of family affairs in the province; representatives of the Steering Committee of family affairs in districts, city, typical young families and 200 youth union members in the province.

During the program, the delegates watched a short report about the process of overcoming difficulties, rising in life to build a happy family and views, thoughts about a prosperous, happy and progressive family of a typical number of young families in the province.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, The head of the Provincial Family Affairs Steering Committee spoke at the ceremony

Afterwards, the delegates participated in a forum with some guests to better understand the family affairs in the province currently, at the same time participating in a number of games to gain knowledge about family affairs.

Speaking at the program, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged and commended typical young families representing families in the province. At the same time, he expected the families to continue to respond and participate effectively in campaigns, emulation movements, building a prosperous, equal, progressive and happy family.

He suggested that in the coming time, the Party committees, the authorities, the Fatherland Front, mass organizations, agencies, units and each family continue to effectively implement the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State for family affairs; prevention and control of domestic violence; strengthening communication activities, focusing on commending and replicating model examples and building happy families; criticizing and strictly handling violations of the family law; preventing harmful cultural information and products from entering the family; strengthening inspection, supervision and strict punishment of people who commit domestic violence as prescribed by law; holding activities suitable to organize Vietnamese family’s day. Thereby, contributing to building families in the province into the real home of each person.

The Provincial Family Affairs Steering Committee commended and awarded the certificate of merit for 11 typical young families

On this occasion, the Provincial Steering Committee of Family Affairs commended and awarded certificates of merit to 11 typical young families in the province. These are typical young families which are aware of building a civilized, happy and progressive family environment.