Saturday,  09/21/2024

Huu Lung High School: Overcoming difficulties in studying for high school graduation exams in the heart of the epidemic

– In the past time, teachers and students of Huu Lung High School, Huu Lung district have overcome difficulties, flexibly organizing review even when many teachers and students of the school are under medical quarantine to ensure the best results in the upcoming exam.

Compared to other high schools in the province, Huu Lung High School has been heavily affected by the Covid-19 outbreak with one student of F0 case, 87 teachers and hundreds of students of F1, F2 cases. In particular, grade 12 alone has 61 teachers and 51 students who are in concentrated medical quarantine and self-quarantine at home. Therefore, the preparation of this year’s national high school graduation exam for the school’s teachers and senior students has become more and more difficult. Currently, the school’s teachers and students in grade 12 have to teach, study and review at home or in quarantine areas.

As one of the seven teachers in the school who are F1 cases, they are required to be under concentrated quarantine because they have close contact with the student of Covid-19 case, Ms. Nong Thi Tan Uyen, teacher of Huu Lung High School (reviewing Literature of class 12) said that she is an F1 case having to be under concentrated quarantine, so teaching and reviewing for students is implemented right in the quarantine area. In order not to affect the teaching and review, she regularly prepares lessons and finds interesting literature topics for each week through online teaching methods to share and guide students how to take Literature exam. Although they can only see each other through the computer screen, she and her students make great efforts to teach and review to get the best exam results.

Teachers of Huu Lung High School review online for students in isolation khu

Along with teachers’ efforts to find ways to teach, currently, grade 12 students in Huu Lung also overcome difficult circumstances to actively review their knowledge under the guidance of teachers during the quarantine for epidemic prevention and control. Hoang Thi Hue Anh, a student of Class 12A2, Huu Lung High School said that despite under medical quarantine, she fully participates in the school’s online lessons. Along with that, she actively reviews online, take tests and solve exam questions… with the desire to achieve the best results for the upcoming exam.

Difficulties due to the epidemic, geographical distance, Internet connection, but over the past one month, nothing can stop the determination of the school’s teachers and students. They still make efforts to connect with each other through phones and computers in order to fully equip themselves with knowledge to pass the national high school exam with the highest achievement.

Mr. Nguyen Thai Duong, Principal of Huu Lung High School said that the school has more than 1,750 students, including 554 grade 12 students. Right from the beginning of the school year, the school has directed subject departments to build the review plan for final year students in three stages. In which, Stage 1: Review knowledge in parallel with the subject program; Stage 2: Practice doing tests; Stage 3: Review. Up to now, the review work has reached 70% of the set progress, the school is entering Stage 3, the Review Stage. In order to ensure knowledge for students, from now until the end of June 2021, school administrators have directed teachers to orient students to learn about different types of tests as well as set tests for them to practice.

Although difficulties are still ahead when the number of Covid-19 infections in Huu Lung district continues to increase every day, above all, from the heart of the epidemic, teachers and students of Huu Lung High School are determined to overcome all difficulties, continue to well perform the dual task of both epidemic prevention and control and effective review, with the desire to best complete the national high school graduation exam 2021.

Ministry of Education and Training has guided localities to review and classify candidates for this year’s high school graduation exam in categories F0, F1, F2 to organize the exam, ensuring maximum benefits of candidates. Accordingly, candidates who are Covid-19 (F0) patients will be exempted from the exam according to exam regulations; candidates of F1 cases are arranged in seperate exam points in  concentrated quarantine areas; Candidates of F2 cases are provided  with seperate exam rooms or exam points. The exam papers of F1, F2 candidates will be processed and marked to ensure safety in disease prevention and control according to the guidance of the health sector.