Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son youth: Continuing the tradition of “drinking water, think of its source”

– In the past July, to celebrate the 74th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs’ Day (July 27, 1947 – July 27, 2021), unions at all levels of the province organized many activities aimed to wounded soldiers, sick soldiers, martyrs’ families, Agent Orange victims, people with meritorious services to the revolution… Typical units in the implementation of these meaningful activities are: Youth Union of provincial agencies in coordination with Veterans Association, MB Bank Lang Son branch supported over 17 million VND to repaired houses for veterans’ families; The Youth Union of Thuong Cuong Commune, Chi Lang District has coordinated with the Veterans Association and the Commune Military Command to take care of the custard-apple garden and bo khai garden for family under preferential treatment policy ; The delegation of Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city coordinated with the Women’s Union of the ward to clean and decorate the house and supported 1 million VND for a family of former youth volunteers in the area…

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Nam, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union said “Repay the favor is the activity focused on implementing by the Provincial Youth Union in all programs and campaigns. In which, the peak performance is in July every year. On this occasion, the union units focused on taking care of and helping wounded and sick soldiers, policy families, people with meritorious services, maintaining the hygiene of martyrs cemeteries, memorial stele houses, etc. These activities show gratitude of the young generation for the contributions and sacrifices of his father’s generation in the struggle to build and defend the country. At the same time, educate union members and youth about the tradition of drinking water, think of its source, the spirit of national pride and self-respect.

Young people of Lang Son city light candles to pay tribute to heroes and martyrs at the Martyrs Cemetery of Lang Son city

In order to deploy propaganda activities about the tradition of “Drinking water, think of its source” among the young generation, unions at all levels have strengthened propaganda and education among youth on such contents as the origin and meaning of Invalids Day – Martyrs (July 27); Comments, thank you notes, historical photos, video clips… These methods propagated through activities of Youth Union, Students’ associations, team activities, social networks (facebook, zalo…). From 2020 up to now, Youth union at all levels have organized more than 2,500 propaganda and education activities for more than 40,000 turns of youth members.

Mr. Luong Thanh Chung, Deputy Secretary of the Lang Son Youth Union said: “In July this year, the Youth Union directed its affiliates, associations and teams to publish 48 propaganda articles on facebook, zalo; 72 activities of unions and asociations on Invalids and Martyrs’ Day, the principle of “When drinking water, think of its source”, “When eating a fruit, be grateful to the grower” is to remember the great merits and sacrifices of our previous generations. From such activities, union members and young people are being teached about the good values ​​of the nation, from which they appreciate the independence and freedom of the country and actively participate in contributing activities of building a more beautiful country.

Along with propaganda and education, the unions also reviewed and made a list of families of martyrs, war invalids, sick soldiers, policy families, people with meritorious services… in the area to provide both physical and metal supports.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Khoi, Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city said: “Some of my family are elderly, some are affected by toxic chemicals, so labor is limited and economic is difficult. Recently, thanks to the organization of youth unions, veterans, and women of the ward on the money and working days, my family has finished repairing the degraded house, giving family members a peace of mind to life and work.”

Understanding the past, taking care of those who have contributed and sacrificed for the independence of the nation are activities that the youth of the whole province have been and will continue to implement, contribute to build a homeland more and more develop.

From 2020 up to now, all levels of unions of the province have visited and given more than 6,000 gifts, 5.5 tons of rice worth over 3 billion VND to the above subjects and 130 scholarships to the children of poor families, family with meritorious services to the revolution; supported more than 5,000 working days to harvested agricultural products, cleaned, repaired houses, cleared hills, planted forests; organized more than 500 activities to take care of martyrs’ cemeteries, memorial stele houses with thousands of union members and young people participated.