Saturday,  09/21/2024

The warm love between soldiers and people at the border

– Over the years, the Provincial Border Guard has well implemented the program “Helping children to school” launched by the Border Guard Command. Thereby, helping students with difficult circumstances to have more learning conditions, reaching their dreams in life, contributing to tightening the solidarity of the soldiers and people in the border area.

The Provincial Border Guard is in charge of 21 communes and towns in 5 border districts of the province. Here, people’s lives are still difficult, making the education for children encounter many obstacles. Clearly defining the program “Helping children to school” showing a profound humanity, from September 2014 to now, officers of the Provincial Border Guard have actively responded to the implementation, creating a spreading effect in the whole force.

Major Dao Cong Ngoc, Politician of Tan Thanh Border Guard Station said: “On the occasion of the new school year, the unit coordinates with schools to propagate and mobilize families to allow children of school age to go to school; organizes visits, donates school supplies to students, the unit has supported 6 students with difficult circumstances, each student received 500,000 VND/month to buy school supplies. We want them to strive for excellence and become useful citizens for society”.

Leaders of the Provincial Border Guard Command give gifts to students under the program “Helping children to school”

Since the implementation until now, the agencies and units of the Provincial Border Guard have supported a total of 95 students (including 12 have graduated from high school). In the school year of 2021 – 2022, Agencies and units of the Provincial Border Guard have supported 24 more students under the program “Helping children to school”, bringing the total number of students currently supported to 83. Do Thi Ngoc Linh, a student of class 6A1, Tan My Commune Secondary School, Van Lang District confided: This new school year, I am very happy to be sponsored by the soldiers of Tan Thanh Border Guard Station and received financial support to buy study books. I promise to try hard, study well so as not to disappoint the help of the border guards.

In order to create a spreading effect, Party Committees and commanders at all levels in the Provincial Border Guards regularly pay attention to propagandizing and educating officers to understand the meaning, value and importance of the program “Helping children to school”, creating high consensus in the implementation organization. With all the heart, affection and sense of responsibility of border guards, officers of the Border Guard agencies and units voluntarily deducted their salaries and allowances, actively increased production to raise funds to support the program.

Mr. To Van Tuan, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district, said that the program “Helping children to school” has strengthened  solidarity and relationship between the Party Committee, authorities, schools,  people and the Border Guard force;  officers actively follow the people, stick to the village, propagate and mobilize parents to create favorable conditions, encourage their children to go to school, show the affection and responsibility of the Border Guard to the people of ethnic groups in border areas.

It can be affirmed that the program “Helping children to school” has been implemented by agencies and units of the Provincial Border Guard with practical results, bringing trust to the Party Committee, authorities, schools and people in border areas. Thereby, contributing to building a strong all-people border defense posture, firmly protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security in the new situation.

Up to now, All resources mobilized for the program “Helping children to school” has reached a total budget of over 3.2 billion VND. In which, the Border Guard contributed 2.4 billion VND and gave 596 gifts to students, with a total value of 258 million VND; All levels, branches, benefactors contributed over 562 million VND and gave 905 gifts to the families of students with a total value of 270 million VND…