Friday,  09/20/2024

Linking building school culture with fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training

On the afternoon of August 22, the Committee for Culture and Education of the National Assembly coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Training to organize an online conference on “Strengthening the building of school culture”. Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Member of the Politburo, Standing Vice Chairman of the National Assembly attended and chaired the conference.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen and delegates attend the conference from Lang Son province

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of related units attended the conference from Lang Son province.

At the conference, the delegates listened to a brief introduction about some content of Directive 08/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on strengthening the building of school culture such as focusing on reviewing, completing the system of legal documents on school culture education to ensure that it closely follows the orientation of the General Education Program in 2018; studying, reviewing, amending or abolishing regulations, standards that are formal, rigid, fail to promote creativity and initiative at all levels of educational institutions, fail to be practical, leading to achievement disease in education; combining teaching literacy with teaching soft skills and career orientation; education to develop comprehensively in both quality and capacity, harmonizing virtue, intelligence, heath and beauty; helping students develop patriotism, love for people, study hard, work hard, honesty, responsibility…

On the basis of Directive 08, the participants at different locations discussed a number of solutions to build school culture, focusing on building school culture in contribution to building and developing Vietnamese culture and people to meet the requirements of sustainable development of the country; direction and implementation of unions, associations and teams on solutions to coordinate with the education sector in building school culture; identifying solutions to enhance the implementation of building school culture in the locality.

Speaking at the conference, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee recognized and highly appreciated the efforts of the education sector in the education of school culture for students in recent years.

He suggested that in the coming time, the Party committees, authorities at all levels and the whole education sector continue to focus deeply on the meaning and important role of building school culture and persistently implement and strive to achieve the goals; focus on building models of school culture in each locality, replicate good models; regularly monitor, check, review and summarize school culture work; promptly develop and supplement criteria on school culture suitable to localities and units; link building school culture with fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training; promote the important role of the school in creating cultural values ​​and establishing, consolidating and perfecting the principles of conduct.

The Ministry of Education and Training needs to promote well its role of taking the lead in advising and coordinating in mobilizing the participation of the entire political system. At the same time, ministries, sectors and localities need to seriously and actively direct the implementation of assigned tasks.