Friday,  09/20/2024

President meets with outstanding ethnic minority representatives of Cao Bang

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with outstanding representatives of ethnic minority groups from the northern mountainous province of Cao Bang in Hanoi on September 21.
President meets with outstanding ethnic minority representatives of Cao Bang hinh anh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) speaks at the meeting with outstanding ethnic minority representatives from Cao Bang province on September 21. (Photo: VNA)

The representatives thanked the Party and State for issuing all-round policies for ethnic minority and mountainous areas to quickly narrow the development gap among regions.

They said the province’s Party organisation and residents have stayed united and made efforts to increasingly improve the material and spirit lives of local people.

Welcoming the 45 delegates representing 500,000 people from 20 ethnic minority groups in Cao Bang, President Phuc said they hold an important role in building the grassroots political system, safeguarding security and order, enhancing the great national solidarity, preserving ethnic groups’ cultural identities, and connecting the local administration with people.

He asked the Party organisation and administration of Cao Bang province to further listen to and handle people’s legitimate aspirations.

As the province’s household poverty rate is still higher than the national average, the local authorities and the outstanding representatives need to push ahead with poverty reduction by properly implementing the Party’s guidelines on developing ethnic minority areas and the National Assembly-approved general plan on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the 2021 – 2030 period, he noted.

The State leader held that aside from the State’s support, local cadres and reputable persons should launch movements encouraging residents in their areas to strive to escape from poverty, maintain traditional culture, and eradicate backward customs.

In particular, it is necessary to create the best possible conditions for all children to go to school since this is an important prerequisite for sustainable poverty elimination and life quality improvement, the President added./.
