Friday,  09/20/2024

Create a useful playground for trade trade union members and employees

In recent years, the cultural and sports movement among civil servants, public employees and workers has received attention of trade trade unions at all levels in the province with a variety of activities, creating a useful playground for the trade trade union members and employees to exercise, contribute to improving their spiritual life and fulfilling their assigned tasks.

Trade union members and employees play tug of war and stick pushing tournament organized by the Labor Confederation of Lang Son city

Every day, at the end of office hours, trade union members and employees of the Trade Union of Bac Son District’s Mass Mobilization bloc practice soft volleyball. Ms. Hoang Thi Thieu, a member of the Trade Union of Bac Son District’s Mass Mobilization bloc, said: “Our Trade Union regularly encourages and supports its members to practice sports every day after work. Most of our employees play soft volleyball. In practice and competition, I feel very excited because I can both improve my health and have more chances to meet officials in other agencies and units.”

Additional to Ms. Thieu, trade union members and workers in the trades unions in the district are also maintaining regular training and competition organized by all levels and sectors. Ms. Tran Thi Thuy, Chairwoman of the Bac Son District Confederation of Labor, said” that the District Confederation of Labor currently has 95 member trade unions with more than 2,200 members, 90% of them have their own sports ground with the participant of over 80% trade union members and employees. Every year, there are 85% of member trade unions organizing cultural and sports activities in various forms. Especially, from the beginning of July 2023 until now, we have asked all five member emulation groups to organize a soft volleyball competition with 1,000 participants and planned to organize a soft volleyball tournament among civil servants, public employees and workers of the district within 2 days (July 22, 23).

Along with the Bac Son District Confederation of Labor, the movement to practice soft volleyball also becomes more popular to the members trade unions under the those of each sector, Confederation of Labor the districts and Lang Son city. In order for the sports movement to develop, many trade unions have focused on encouraging and advising the Party committees and authorities at the same level to build sports ground with the aim of creating favorable conditions for their employees to play sports. Sports practice usually takes place in the morning or afternoon every day. Depending on one’s own hobby, time and health, each employee chooses a suitable sport to practice, in which there are a number of sports that attract a large number of trade union members and employees such as soft volleyball, badminton, soccer, table tennis…

Members and employees of the member trade unions of Lang Son city play and cheer for their team in tug of war

Mr. Le Van Y, Head of the Committee for Publicity – Education and Women’s Affairs of Provincial Labor Confederation, said: “Additional to protecting the legitimate interests of trade union members and employees, over the past time, trade unions at all levels in the province have always organized cultural and sports movements, creating a useful playground, attracting a large number of employees. Every year, we advise the Provincial Labor Confederation to issue documents directing trade unions at all levels to organize cultural and sports activities and to encourage employees to actively participate in suitable sports. At the same time, they should organize art performance contests and sport s tournament on major holidays of the year.”

Heading to the successful celebration of trade union congresses at all levels for the term 2023-2028, from April 2023, the Provincial Labor Confederation has issued a plan to organize a soft volleyball tournament among employees. Up to now, 14/14 trade unions of particular sectors and those of district and Lang Son city have organized soft volleyball tournaments within themselves to select the best team to participate in the provincial tournament. For example, Provincial Trade Union has requested the establishment of 55 soft volleyball teams with the participation of more than 500 members and workers, the tournament is expected to open on July 29 and take place in 4 days; Van Lang District Confederation of Labor has created 23 soft volleyball teams with the participation of more than 200 members, it is expected to happen in 2 days (August 5 and 6). Especifically, the Labor Confederation of Labor of Huu Lung, Van Quan districts organized a successful soft volleyball tournament with 438 participants.

Along with sports, cultural and artistic activities also excitingly took place in trade union organizations in the province, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere to attract a large number of trade union members and workers. According to the summary of the Provincial Labor Confederation, on average, each year, all levels of trade unions in the province organize more than 170 contests, art performances, and sports exchanges with the participation of more than 26,800 members and workers. Most recently, on the evening of June 9, 2023, at Ky Lua Walking Street (Lang Son city), the Labor Federation of Lang Son city coordinated to organize a special cultural performance to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Traditional Day of  Lang Son Provincial Party Committee and the successful Congress of Lang Son City Trade Union for the term of 2023 – 2028. The cultural program consisted of 14 singing and dancing performances with over 150 amateur actors from 14 trade unions under the city’s Confederation of Labor. These brought a joyful and exciting atmosphere to the trade union members and the People.

Promoting the results achieved, the trade unions at all level continue to consolidating and improving the quality of available activities of units and synchronously building cultural, artistic and sports movements among trade union members and employees in each sector, creating an joyful atmosphere and motivation for trade union members to emulate in labor, production, work, and supporting them successfully complete their tasks.