Friday,  09/20/2024
Digital transformation contributes to promoting tourism development in Lang Son
Digital transformation contributes to promoting tourism development in Lang Son
Over the past time, Lang Son tourism industry has actively and proactively implemented digital transformation activities associated with smart tourism. The perception of digital transformation has changed and has a strong impact on tourism businesses and tourist attractions in the province. After the COVID-19 pandemic, Lang Son tourism industry needs new breakthroughs to change, recover and gradually develop comprehensively....
Provincial Business Association: A 10-year journey
Provincial Business Association: A 10-year journey
In October 2012, the Provincial Business Association (PBA) was established with nearly 200 member. After 10 years of operation, the association has affirmed its position and role in leading, orienting and supporting the activities of the business community and entrepreneurs in the province. Assembling electric motorcycles and electric bicycles at DK Viet-Japan Co., Ltd., Hoang Dong commune, Lang Son...
Implementing Resolution No. 19: Streamlining the apparatus, improving operational efficiency
Implementing Resolution No. 19: Streamlining the apparatus, improving operational efficiency
On October 25, 2017, the 12th Party Central Committee issued Resolution No.19 on continuing to renovate the organization and management system, improving the quality and performance of public non-business units. Following closely the directive documents of superiors, party committees, authorities at all levels in the province have seriously implemented, thereby achieving certain results, contributing to streamlining the apparatus and...
Forever echoing Chi Lang's spirit
Forever echoing Chi Lang's spirit
Chi Lang is a land rich in traditions associated with glorious feats in the building and defense of the country. Through historical periods, Chi Lang's spirit has always resonated and is the pride of the people of Chi Lang district in particular and of Lang Son in general. According to historical documents, during the feudal period, this land marked...
Ready for the Provincial Congress of Veterans Association
Ready for the Provincial Congress of Veterans Association
The 7th Provincial Congress of Veterans Association for the term 2022 - 2027 is scheduled to take place on September 20 and 21, 2022. Up to now, the preparations have been basically completed, ready to hold the congress. 2022 is the year of the Congress of Veterans Associations at all levels, leading to the 7th National Congress of Vietnam...
Brighten up the spirit of the National Day September 2nd
Brighten up the spirit of the National Day September 2nd
"Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country—and in fact is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty"- Even though the years have passed, President Ho Chi Minh's proclamation at the historic Ba...
The August Revolution in the hearts of the people of Lang Son
The August Revolution in the hearts of the people of Lang Son
The successful August Revolution of 1945 was the first great victory of our people since the leadership of the Party, opening a new turning point in the history of the Vietnamese nation. That great victory is always deeply rooted in the hearts of every person in Xu Lang, that traditional flame is the driving force for today's generation to...
Reclaiming the government - a great event of the nation
Reclaiming the government - a great event of the nation
The 1945 August Revolution - The miraculous revolution of our nation, from the status of being slavery, has "shaken the mud and stood up bright" until now, it has been 77 years. The revolution is considered as a miracle in the twentieth century, overthrowing the oppressive and exploiting regime of colonialism, opening up a glorious and brilliant chapter, marking...