Friday,  09/20/2024

Praising families of representative workers, officials and employees: Spreading good values of family.

– From the beginning of July 2021 up to now, conferences to honor the representative families of workers, officials and employees in the 2016-2020 period have been active in the whole province. This is a meaningful activity to encourage union members to preserve and promote the good traditions of Vietnamese families, to help each other do well in professional work for the sustainable development of agencies, units and businesses.

   Core decision

 To implement Plan No. 135/KH-TDLD, on January 12, 2021 of the Provincial Confederation of Labor, a conference to honor representative employees’ families in the 2016-2020 period was held from the district-level union, industry to the provincial level and select representative families to attend the national conference. Accordingly, the labor unions of districts, city and industry unions have developed a plan with specific criteria and deployed it to the unions. Representative employees’ families are considered based on specific criteria including 5 consecutive years (from 2016 – 2020) to be recognized as “Cultural Family” at the place of residence; exemplary observance of guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State; support and help people in the community; family members achieve good results in labor, production, work and study.

The provincial education trade union is the unit with the largest number of commended families among the districts, city and industry trade unions. Ms. Ha Thi Thuy Hang, Chairwoman of the Provincial Trade Union of Education said: With a large number of union members, in order to select really representative families which have both husband and wife achieved high achievements in work, teaching and educating students, overcoming difficulties, raising good children, and being a progressing and happy family, right from February 2021, the Sector Trade Union has developed a plan and soon deployed it to all trade unions, in which clearly states the object, criteria, number of standards… so that the trade unions have time to consider and choose carefully. On the basis of the list of suggestions from the trade unions, in May 2021, the Trade Union of Education considered and selected 46 families for commendation in the sector and 4 families for commendation at the provincial level.

Family member of Ms. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Red Cross Society participated in the exchange program at the conference to honor the family of representative civil servants, public employees and workers.

Together with the Trade Union of the Education, other sector trade unions, the Labour Confederation of other districts and city have deployed plans to the trade unions to consider and select representative families that fully meet the prescribed standards. By June 2021, sector unions and district-level Labour Confederation  have selected 360 representative families of employees. From the beginning of July 2021 up to now, the whole province has 7/14 units including Provincial Public Employees’ Union, Lang Son City Labor Confederation and Labor Confederation of districts: Loc Binh, Dinh Lap, Van Quan, Bac Son, Chi Lang held a commendation conference with a total of 180 representative employees’ families with a total of 144 million VND worth of bonuses and gifts. In addition, the Provincial Labor Confederation has selected 75 families to commend at the provincial level and 1 family to commend at national level.

   Spreading the representativeness

Honored to be selected by the trade unions and the superior trade union as the typical nucleus to attend the commendation conference, representatives of families had the opportunity to exchange, talk and share about difficulties in life as well as experiences. in raising children, keeping the family happy.

Ms. Ngo Thu Ha, Principal of Hoang Van Thu Primary School, Lang Son city shared: My husband is a border guard working at the border who often away from home. I always sympathize with my husband’s work and encourage him, try not to be ” Out of sight, out of mind.”, I always feel secure in his work and complete the assigned tasks well. About myself, I always try to arrange a scientific and reasonable time to ensure school work, housework, and parenting. My children are all well-behaved and achieved excellent student titles. My son is studying in the third year of Hanoi National University. The young daughter has many achievements in competitions and movements organized by school and all levels.

Attending the conference to honor the representative family of civil servants, public employees and workers of the province, many union members were impressed by the story of raising children of Ms. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Red Cross Society. Ms. Thuan frankly shared: “I am a very strict mother in raising children. Therefore, since he was young, my son called me “the most evil mother in Vietnam”. However, when he’s growing up, with the methods and skills acquired from the family, my children always have good learning and training results, and are loved and appreciated by teachers and friends. Since then, He understands his mother, knows how to appreciate the love that the family has for him. Perhaps because of that, he also likes to do social work like his mother and is currently the Leader of Youth of the Red Cross of Vietnam, President of the Southeast Asia Red Cross – Red Crescent Society.”

The stories of Ms. Ha and Ms. Thuan have left a deep impression on union members and workers from the affiliated trade unions. Since then, union members and employees have pondered, more appreciated the good traditional values of the family and learned valuable lessons on how to educate children, how to preserve family happiness.

Thereby, it shows that the conference to honor the representative employee’s family in the period 2016 – 2020 is a very meaningful activity to honor, praise and encourage the family of employees to make practical contributions in labor, production, work and also an opportunity for employees to learn from each other, preserve and promote the good traditional values of the Vietnamese family, spread good nucleus, contributing to creating a prosperity society.

“Although this is the first year of organization, the conference to honor the typical family of employees in the 2016-2020 period has been carefully deployed by the superior trade union organizations, ensuring quality and efficiency. 436 families were selected from more than 41,000 employees to show that they are really representative and highly spread cores among union members and employees. From now until the end of 2021, the Provincial Labor Confederation will continue to direct superior trade unions on the basis of organizing conferences with appropriate content, composition and scale, strictly implementing pandemic prevention and control while ensuring solemn, practical, pervasive”.

 Ms. Be Thi Hoa, Standing Vice President of Provincial Labor Confederation