Friday,  09/20/2024

The boy from Xu Lang with a passion for dancing

– With more than 14 years of striving and unceasing efforts in his profession, Mr. Trieu Van Huong, born in 1986, Vice Captain of the Dance Team – Provincial Arts and Culture Center has become one of the prominent names in the professional performing arts activities in Xu Lang.

Born in a family where no one does art in Binh Phuc commune, Van Quan district, Huong has been in love with dancing since 2002 when he was accidentally discovered and encouraged by his uncle to participate in the Military University of Culture and Arts (Hanoi)… He boldly tried and was accepted into the University’s Faculty of Dance.

Learning to dance when he was 15 years old, Huong was exposed to a hard-working environment and many people’s prejudices about boys learning dance. Thanks to his passion as well as timely encouragement from his family and teachers, he overcame everything. Mr. Huong shared: “The more I learn, the more I feel for it, the more I see that I really can choose what I love”.

Graduating from the Faculty of Dance, in 2007, Mr. Huong returned to his hometown to work at the Provincial Singing – Dancing – Drama Group (now the Provincial Center for Culture and Arts). With his outstanding talent and the help of many co-stars and colleagues, in a short time, Huong was constantly assigned the main dance roles to perform many difficult and dangerous movements.

Mr. Trieu Van Huong (far right) in a dance performance on the occasion of the opening of the thematic exhibition “Hoang Van Thu – Shining your name forever” at the Provincial Museum

With more than 14 years in dance career, Huong has devoted many unique dance performances, from performances at major events of the province to performances serving people in remote areas. Mr. Huong said: “Dance is inherently a hard subject, testing the body’s toughness, requiring hard work and practice. Muscle strains, stretching ligaments and even broken legs and arms, are common in practice, especially for the male dancer. Because in the big dances, there are usually people who hold you but they have to move stylized to the music. It is very difficult and hard work, but because of passion, I am not discouraged. Because after the sweat and tears is the applause, the feeling of being fully devoted”.

His enthusiasm is reflected in his attitude at work. In the course of his career, he has experienced many types of roles, but none of them allow him to be careless. He often spends time researching and self-training to create a dance character with identity and great effect on stage. Therefore, he always completed the assigned work. In 2015, he was trusted by the unit to hold the position of Vice Captain of the Dance Team.

Despite his young age, with the love for his job, he is always loved and admired by the audience. This is also the reason why he has achieved so much success at national and regional competitions and shows with many gold and silver medals. Typically, some of the performances he participated as the main dancer made a deep impression on the audience such as the Rainmaking dance, Lua Ma Thang (wedding bride), Forest of consciousness… He also helped with the staging, choreographed and guided cultural and artistic movements for many agencies and units in the province…

Mr. Ha Ngoc Minh, Director of the Provincial Arts and Culture Center said: “In the past time, we have always been interested in training and developing young talents. Trieu Van Huong is a young and talented artist among them. With his unremitting efforts, always striving to train, Mr. Huong has gradually grown up, has made many contributions, becoming an outstanding artist among the young artists of the center. That has been recognized through the fact that Mr. Huong received many certificates of merit from all levels and sectors. Most recently, in August 2021, he received a certificate of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for his outstanding achievements in professional art activities in Lang Son province during the 2016-2021 periods”.