Friday,  09/20/2024

Synchronous solutions to create jobs for workers

– In 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact that workers lose their jobs leading to unemployment in the province has increased (nearly 4,000 people). To solve that situation, the functional branches of the province have made efforts to implement synchronous solutions in advising, introducing jobs, lending capital to create jobs, calling for investment to develop businesses in the area, thereby contributing to creating new jobs for employees.

Facing many complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic with, during the year, there were many outbreaks affecting the socio-economic development of the province, leading to the situation of employees losing their jobs, prolonged unemployment.

An officer of the Provincial Employment Service Center advises on new jobs for workers who come to complete procedures for unemployment insurance benefits.

Therefore, creating new jobs is not only the desire of the employees but also the concern of all levels, branches and localities in the province. Mr. Pham Duc Huan, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs said: “In order to minimize the situation of employees losing their jobs and unemployment, over the past time, all levels and sectors have made efforts to create new jobs and change jobs for employees. In which, we focus on integrating programs from central level such as loans for job creation from the National Fund for Job Creation; sustainable poverty reduction program; the target program on employment – occupational safety in the socio-economic development program of the province. They have contributed to creating new jobs for over 4,000 employees. Specifically, creating sustainable jobs from the loan program until the end of November 2021 includes direct loans to 2,643 households, creating new jobs for over 3,000 employees; creating jobs by livelihood models for sustainable poverty reduction and synchronously implementing solutions for socio-economic development have created new jobs for over 1,000 employees.”

Along with trying to create jobs from central programs, the province also makes efforts to effectively attract and call for investment, creating favorable conditions for the development of businesses in the area, in order to create more new jobs for employees. According to statistics of functional sectors, the total number of newly established enterprises, branches, representative offices and cooperatives until December 2021 is 736 units. This number at the end of the year is expected to be about 750 units, contributing to creating jobs for over 3,750 employees, an average of about 5 employees/unit.

Notably, over the past time, the Provincial Employment Service Center has promoted information activities, labor market forecasting, consulting services, job introduction and labor supply. Thereby, in 2021, it has contributed to creating jobs for over 7,000 employees in industrial zones of some neighboring provinces such as Bac Giang, Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Quang Ninh, etc. Moreover, a number of other programs such as recruiting civil servants and public employees, arranging jobs for the armed forces who are fresh graduates for about 300 people; 55 people working abroad under contract… With these efforts, it contributes to very positive results in 2021, the whole province has created new jobs for 14,100 workers, reaching 100.7% plan.

Leaders of the Provincial Employment Service Center advise workers in the province about the trends and new job needs of businesses in the labor market.

It is forecasted that in 2022, the pandemic situation will still be complicated and has many potential risks affecting the labor market and employees’ jobs, therefore, it is necessary to continue to have many effective solutions for this situation. Mr. Pham Duc Huan added: “In the coming time, the sector will continue to coordinate with relevant departments and branches to promote propaganda about the market, labor supply – demand; effectively maintain and organize employment transactions, connecting enterprises and employees. Along with that, it is necessary to continue to advise on the good implementation of job creation programs from the central government; promote propaganda to send Vietnamese workers to work abroad under contracts; continue to promote propaganda on the cooperation mechanism on labor management across border with China so that people in general and workers in particular can well observe the regulations on entry and exit when the pandemic situation is under control.”

Synchronous solutions of all levels and sectors in recent years, especially during the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic in the province, have contributed to reducing unemployment and job loss of employees, gradually bring them back to the labor market.