Friday,  09/20/2024

Strengthening the application of information technology in educational administration and management activities

– In the past years, the application of information technology (IT) to the management and administration of educational activities has been paid special attention by the Department of Education and Training, thereby helping the units promptly effectively grasp and implement directives of the sector. 

Mrs. Phan My Hanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, said: “In order to save costs and effectively respond to the complicated situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the department has directed units to increase IT application in management and administration works of education. The first is implementing the use of electronic books in schools, using the whole sector database system on education and training, school management systems (SMAS, VnEdu), library management, financial management and universal management, etc… To make data management, data mining and analysis more convenient and accurate, contributing to helping managers make accurate decisions in school management and administration. “

Provincial Department of Education and Training conducts online meeting to direct education work to units

In order for the application of IT in education management to be implemented effectively, the Department of Education and Training has coordinated with the Education IT Solution Center (EITSC) under the Department of Information Technology, the Ministry of Education and Training deploys the education and training sector database according to Lang Son’s own characteristics at http://csdl.langson.edu.vn; in collaboration with VNPT Lang Son, Viettel Lang Son to deploys online school management software. Along with that, 11/11 Departments of Education and Training and 100% of educational institutions have websites and separate operating channels to carry out administrative work. 100% of schools in the province have deployed educational management applications.


Mr. Duong Manh Ha, Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Training of Trang Dinh district said: “The whole district has 56 school units. With the application of IT in educational management, when sending and receiving electronic documents between the department and the Department of Education and Training and with schools, it has saved postage and printing costs, avoided loss, and promptly served information exchange in direction and administration… For schools, thanks to electronic books stored on the system, when requested to provide information, the query is done quickly, accurately and promptly. The data is fully updated, serving well the compilation of statistical reports and planning support for the sector.”


According to the report, the whole industry currently has 674 school units with more than 3,500 computers for administrative work. Along with that, there are 414 schools (91 preschools, 121 primary schools, 168 junior high schools, 29 high schools, 5 vocational education and continuing education centers) using VNPT’s and Viettel’s school management software. Through the application of IT, various types of books such as grade books, universal books, registers, teacher records, libraries, educational quality accreditation records, student and teacher statistics, Exam management, timetable, electronic scorebook, electronic contact book, has been digitized, computerized school management in the direction of applying online tools.


Mr. Tran Anh Quyen, Principal of Luong Van Tri High School, Van Quan district said: “In order to apply IT in management activities, the school has been implementing electronic student records and electronic scorebooks to manage and quickly lookup student learning information. The school also has a website and fan page to update activities as well as information on issues related to parents and students. In addition, the school’s teachers also participate in activities in newsgroups on Zalo, Facebook to promptly implement educational activities under the direction of the school.”


With those benefits, in order for the application of IT in the management and administration of education to be implemented effectively, in the coming time, the Department of Education and Training will continue to direct 100% of educational institutions to use the industry database software at http://csdl.moet.gov.vn. At the same time, actively direct and urge units to update information into the system according to the time prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training so that management levels can exploit data for management and professional work; concentrate on organizing IT training, instruct the core staff at Departments of Education, etc… on how to use new software.