Friday,  09/20/2024

Awarding 8 prizes ò the contest “Creative start-up project for rural youth” in 2021

– On December 26, the Provincial Youth Union, Youth Federation and the Students’ Association of Lang Son province awarded prizes of the contest “Creative start-up project for rural youth” in 2021.

The contest “Creative start-up project for rural youth” in 2021 was officially launched by the Organizing Committee and entries of participants have been received from May 2021.

Leaders of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Youth Union present flowers, certificates, awards and souvenir cups to the representative of the group of authors who won the first prize in the contest “Creative start-up project for rural youth”

The Organizing Committee has received 63 participating projects from the youth unions of 11 districts and city. The jury have judged, graded and selected 8 typical projects.

At the awarding ceremony, the Organizing Committee awarded 1 first prize, 1 second prize, 3 third prizes and 3 fourth prizes to the most typical projects (in which, the first prize belonged to the production and trading project of Chi Lang custard apple straw liquor by the group of author in Dong Banh High School, Chi Lang district).

Leaders of the Provincial Youth Union and representative of Honda Vu Hoang Le business presents flowers, certificates and bonuses for the winner of the first prize in the short film-making contest on the topic of Youth and children with traffic safety culture.

The projects that received the award were all granted certificates and bonuses worth from 1 to 5 million VND.

Along with that, the Organizing Committee of the short film making contest on the topic of youth and children with traffic safety culture organized by the Provincial Youth Union in collaboration with the Provincial Students’ Association and the Provincial Traffic Safety Board also awarded 6 fourth prizes, 3 third prizes, 1 second prize and 1 first prize for groups and individuals with impressive and excellent content and images.

Leaders of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Youth Union award certificates of merit to individuals who have achieved typical achievements in creative startups in 2021

In particular, the Youth Union of Viet Bac High School won the first prize of the short film-making contest on the topic of Youth and children with traffic safety culture.

On this occasion, 11 individuals who are typical young start-up entrepreneurs in the province in 2021 received certificates of merit from the Committee of the Vietnam Youth Federation of Lang Son province.