Friday,  09/20/2024

Grateful to the heroes and martyrs who sacrificed for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland

Although the war has ended, but the consequences and residual effects are still great and fierce, forever imprinted in the minds of each generation of Vietnamese people. July 27 is the day when the whole country is silent, remembering the fallen heroes and martyrs, sacrificed for the independence of the country for the freedom of the nation.

President Ho Chi Minh wrote: “The blood of the martyrs dyed the revolutionary flag even more red. The sacrifices of our heroes and martyrs have prepared our country to blossom with independence and freedom as a result”. Therefore, for those “loyal children, how should the Government and compatriots repay them?” For the Fatherland, for the People, many children of the nation, including those in their nineteen and twenty years, who left behind their own happiness, pages of books, lecture halls to ready to go out to fight for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland. They lived and fought for the noble ideal of “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”, “All for a united Fatherland”. Their sacrifices have brightened the homeland, the country, planted the green sprouts, the young shoots, the buds of peace and aspiration.

Provincial leaders gave gifts to families of people with meritorious services in Lang Son city and Cao Loc district at the candle-lighting ceremony in 2022 Photo: Vuong Vuong

History has placed generations of Vietnamese youth in a special position, that is, the position to fight and defeat the most violent enemies of the twentieth century. They have fought bravely and some have fallen on the battlefield, or returned with the wounds of war. Millions of martyrs’ relatives, anxious wives waiting for their husbands, longing mothers waiting for their children to never return.

The war has receded, but there are still sequelae and injuries on the body of the soldiers as well as the future generations. There are small children who are victims of Agent Orange, the pain is still present, inconsolable in every family. The surviving warriors, despite carrying the pain of the war, did not succumb to physical pain, but were still eager to contribute to building their homeland and implementing the teachings of beloved Uncle Ho “Invalids are crippled but not useless.”

75 years have passed are 75 years of gratitude, July 27 becomes the day that those who are alive will not forget, cannot forget. On the other hand, we must show our gratitude in a practical and effective way regularly, considering that what we do for the relatives of heroes, martyrs and wounded soldiers is to do for the outstanding soldiers who have sacrificed for the Fatherland.  Everyone living today should live to be worthy of their sacrifices. Please admonish yourself by doing useful things for the country.

Youth union members lit candles to pay tribute to heroes and martyrs. Photo: Hoang Vuong

Offering a scent that stings at the corners of your eyes, plugs into the small graves of the soldiers with grief and sorrow. These days, their graves have more fresh flowers, bright candles, and crowds of people come to visit, but how can we make up for the youth they have devoted to the country. Immersed in Uncle Ho’s teachings, taking care of wounded soldiers: “It should be considered as the obligation of the People towards wounded and sick soldiers; it should not be considered as a “benefit”. During the past 75 years, the Party, State and People have devoted all spiritual, material and emotional support to caring, supporting and caring in all aspects, anytime and anywhere for policy beneficiaries and people with meritorious service even when the country was still at war. Today, although the country has not fully compensated for that heroic sacrifice, it has also partly warmed the heart and lessened the loss and pain.

This indescribable sacrifice reminds the next generation to take the next step, to protect the Vietnamese countryside from foreign forces, so as not to be ashamed of the souls of heroes and martyrs. With specific actions, it is necessary to devote all of our efforts to the Fatherland, to build a “more decent” country, on par with other countries in the world.