Friday,  09/20/2024

Sacrifice for the peace of life

In the fight against criminals, despite adversity and danger, generations of Lang Son’s police have always been clever, brave and determined to win over the criminals. While doing the tasks, many of them have heroically sacrificed for the peace of the People…

The Logistics Division of the Provincial Public Security Department present gifts to the family members of martyrs in Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city

Currently, the situation of political security, social order and safety in the province is stable, the people feel secured in labor, production, economic development, tourists from everywhere feel safe every time traveling to Lang Son. In order to have such a stable situation, generations of officers and soldiers of Provincial Public Security Department have made great contribution of in the struggle against all kinds of criminals. Their sweat, tear and blood have been shed for peace and happiness of the people.

The story of the “deathly” three-way crossroad

In 1991 and 1992, at Dinh Lap T-junction in Dinh Lap district, dozens of robberies occurred. Here, many vehicles, especially bus traveling to Bac Giang and Quang Ninh provinces, were attacked by armed robbers, they took money and property of the travelers. That is the reason why this place is called “deathly” three-way crossroad. That band of robbers was led by Do Cao Thang from Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province. He had been arrested many times for the crimes of stealing property, intentionally causing injury. After anytime he was released from prison, he became more dangerous, especially when he had a gun. He was ready to shoot and kill anyone whom he felt “dangerous”.

Therefore, in September 1991, following the direction of the General Department of Police, the Public Security Department of Lang Son province coordinated with that of Quang Ninh and Bac Giang provinces to carry out a special project to catch this aggressive band of robbers. After two months, police force of provinces coordinated to identify the role of each robber in the band, arrested 4 of them, and encouraged 2 to surrender.

Regarding the leader Do Cao Thang, after his close brothers were arrested and surrendered, he became even more dangerous and organized other robberies with other in Dinh Lap district. Around the end of 1991, while he and his juniors stopped a bus and robbed it, the police force of Dinh Lap district attacked them. Thang frantically fought back, causing a death to comrade Be Minh Chau, born in 1962, an officer of Dinh Lap District Police, shortly after that Thang fled.

Thang’s stubbornness and brutality made the police force more determined to track down him faster. By March 1992, according to reconnaissance, Thang was found hiding in an abandoned hut on a hill in Dinh Lap district, the plan to arrest this cold-blooded robber was immediately carried out. Initially, the functional forces persuaded Thang to surrender, but he responded with a series of bullets to find a way to escape. Understanding that he would not listen, the force decided to close the siege and fired to finish him. After this band was destroyed, people and passengers were no longer afraid when passing through Dinh Lap district and the name of “deathly” three-way crossroad gradually faded.

Be Tuan Hai, currently working at Bac Lang Commune Police Station, the son of martyr Be Minh Chau said: “I was only 2 years old when my father died. I am very proud to hear about my father’s feats and his sacrifice to protect a peaceful life for the People. Continuing that tradition, I always try my best at work, strive to successfully complete all assigned tasks, for the peace and happiness of the People.”

Forever in the hearts of the people

Not only martyr Be Minh Chau, over the years, in the fierce, tough and dangerous struggle with all kinds of criminals, the Provincial Public Security Department force has witnessed the heroic sacrifice of many soldiers, leaving regrets for their family and teammates. They fell for the cause of national security and became heroes who would live forever in the hearts of the people.

According to statistics from the Division of Organization and Personnel of the Provincial Public Security Department, there have been 42 Public officers and soldiers in the province who died on duty over the periods. Most of them died at a very young age. In addition, there are 5 wounded soldiers who are currently working, about 20 wounded soldiers have retired. They have devoted themselves despite difficulties and dangers, sacrificed their lives to bring peace and happiness to the People.

One day in mid-July 2023, we visited the family of Mr. Nong Kim Liem, born in 1944, at number 22, Phan Huy Chu street, Cua Nam block, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city. Mr. Liem is the father of martyr Nong Khac Man, born in 1985, died in 2013. In the family’s living room, many certificates of merits and the Recognition of the Fatherland for the meritorious service of martyr Man are solemnly hung.

According to Mr. Liem, after graduating from the Security Academy, Man returned to the province and worked at the Foreign Affairs Security Division. During the peak period of crime prevention and control during the 2013 Lunar New Year, he was sent to the working group in Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district. On December 22 of the same year, receiving news that a group of people gathered to drink alcohol, causing insecurity in the Day Thep area, Dong Dang town, Man came there to see how it was going and prevented the group from disturbing that place. Unfortunately, Man was stabbed in the head with a knife from behind and died, Mr. Liem said chokingly.

The old story was 10 years ago, but in front of his son’s photo, Mr. Liem still sheds tears. “Man is the youngest child in the family, he has a wife and a daughter. Because my daughter-in-law was still young at that time, my family encouraged her to find another person, but she stayed and worship her dead husband. She has well taken care of her child, her parents and parents-in-law” said Mr. Liem emotionally.

The leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department and members of the delegation visit and present gifts to the family of Hero of the People’s Armed Forces and martyr Nguyen Thanh Tan

Paying tribute to heroes and martyrs

In recognition of the merits and contributions of heroes and martyrs in the fight against crime for the construction and defense of the Fatherland, over the past time, the Provincial Public Security Department has always focused on providing martyrs’ families and relative with the welfare according to regulations and support them in life.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel To Ngoc Dung, Deputy Head of the Organization and Personnel Division, Provincial Public Security Department said: “Every year, the we advise the leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department to issue plans on organizing activities on paying tribute to cadres and soldiers who have sacrificed in the struggle for independence and defense of the Fatherland such as visiting, presenting gifts, supporting the construction of gratitude houses… Along with that, the unit often follows the families and relatives of martyrs to timely support them.

In the past 10 years, the Provincial Public Security Department have chaired and coordinated to support the construction and repair of 22 gratitude houses for relatives and worshipers of martyrs. Referential treatments and policies for martyrs’ families and relatives are implemented in accordance with regulations. Every year on Invalids and Martyrs Day on July 27, the Provincial Public Security Department, emulation groups, units all send delegations to visit and present gifts to the families of war invalids and martyrs in the force.

Mr. Hua Thanh Nam, the son of a martyr, currently working at the Lang Son City Police Station, said: “Over the years, the leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department and Municipal Public Security Division have always cared, encouraged and visited my family. At work, I also always receive the attention and help of my leaders and colleagues, motivating me to continue the glorious tradition of the sector and my family.”

Not only in the field of crime prevention and fighting, but also in other fields such as fire prevention and fighting, rescue, traffic order and safety maintenance… the provincial police force in particular, the national police in general always face great difficulties, hardships and dangers. But “when the people need it, when the people are in trouble, the police will come”, they are always present in a timely manner to solve any incidents, which are recognized and appreciated by all levels, sectors and people. In the past 2 years, there are 24 officers and soldiers in the provincereceiving certificates of merit by the Director of the Provincial Public Security Department for their good deeds including timely fire fighting to save lives and property for the People; blood donation to unexpectedly save people …; There were 18 examples of good people, over 230 good deeds were praised, the provincial police force received 66 letters of thanks from the people for their achievements in work and attitude of serving the People.

The merits and contributions of the police force in the battle against crime, maintaining security and order, especially the sacrifices of heroes and martyrs are tremendous, the gratitude cannot compensate for all the loss and pain of their families In this meaningful July, we would like to send our deep gratitude to the heroes who have died for current peace and happy life and to those who are continuing the glorious tradition of the force, resolutely fighting with tolerance against crimes with the spirit of “For the country, for the people, devoting my whole life”.