Friday,  09/20/2024

Investors, Chairmen of People’s Committees of districts and the city are accountable to Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the disbursement results of public investment capital.

(LSO) – That was the direction of Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee at the meeting to urge the disbursement of public investment capital in 2020 in the province on the afternoon of November 19.

According to the report of Department of Planning and Investment, by mid-November 2020, units disbursed the public investment capital of over 1,949 billion VND, reaching 66.2% of the capital plan assigned by the central government and equaling 59.8 % of the capital plan assigned by the locality.

Of 36 provincial-level investors, two investors disbursed 100% of the plan; 25 investors disbursed more than 60% of the plan; six investors disbursed under 60% of the plan and three investors have not disbursed.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded the meeting

For district and city levels, one unit disbursed over 80% of the plan; four units disbursed over 70% of the plan; four units disbursed over 60% of the plan and two units disbursed under 60% of the plan.

According to the report of the Provincial State Treasury, the province’s disbursement result is lower than the national average (currently the whole country disburses 71% of the plan) and ranks 33rd among 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Discussing at the conference, representatives of investors and sectors mentioned some reasons and problems leading to low disbursement results such as during the project implementation, portfolios must be adjusted; investment preparation dossiers still have many shortcomings and must be revised, supplemented; some investors’ project management capacity is still limited and so on.

To promote disbursement in the last months of the year, delegates proposed some solutions: accelerating the construction progress of projects, they must immediately carry out acceptance procedures when completing construction; for projects that cannot be disbursed, the province should review the regulation of the allocated capital, and distribute to projects that lack capital.

Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested that investors highly concentrate to disburse 100% of the capital plan assigned by the central government, 90% of the capital plan assigned by the locality.

Department of Planning and Investment need advise the Provincial People’s Committee to review the capital regulation among projects to promote disbursement in association with promoting the inspection and supervision of the capital disbursement for projects. The Provincial State Treasury should urge investors to carry out procedures for capital return, disbursement payment and settlement.

Investors, Chairmen of People’s Committees of districts and the city should be accountable to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for disbursement results in the area. In addition, investors need to pay special attention to the management of construction quality, management of project dossiers, project payment and settlement dossiers. People’s Committees of districts and the city must focus on accelerating site clearance, contributing to speeding up construction, promoting disbursement.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee assigned Department of Planning and Investment to review and report to the Provincial People’s Committee about weak investors so that the Provincial People’s Committee will not assign these investors to manage capital to implement projects from 2021.