Friday,  09/20/2024

Ensuring the “dual goals” in import and export activities

– On the afternoon of July 23, the provincial delegation led by Mrs.  Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the prevention and control of COVID-19 at Tan Thanh Border Gate, Van Lang District and Huu Nghi International Border Gate, Cao Loc district.

According to the report at the inspection, currently, on average, every day, at Huu Nghi international border gate, goods import and export procedures are carried out for about 800 vehicles, there are nearly 500 vehicles left waiting for export. At Tan Thanh border gate, nearly 300 vehicles are cleared every day, about 600 vehicles of agricultural products are left waiting for export. Meanwhile, the number of people regularly entering and exiting border gate areas has always remained at a high level, about over 2,000 people per day, posing a high risk of COVID-19 infection in the province in general, in the border gate area in particular.

Mrs.  Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the inspection session

Facing the above situation, the pandemic prevention and control at the border gate area has been raised to the highest level. The functional forces have increased the operation of 3 checkpoints in the area of ​​the two border gates above; carried out quarantine, body temperature check, medical declarations and required drivers and passengers on cargo vehicles to have a negative SARS-CoV-2 test certificate to enter the border gate area.

At the meeting, the representatives of functional forces and logistics businesses proposed a number of solutions in the process of implementing measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic at the border, such as strengthening control and separating the flow of vehicles from the outside, before vehicles entering the province in general and the border gate area in particular; regulating the volume of vehicles  transporting agricultural products for export to minimize traffic jams from afar ; tightening the management of drivers’ stay at motels and hotels in the area.

Mrs.  Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee (5th from the left) inspected the checkpoint for COVID-19 prevention and control in area B2, the import-export road at Tan Thanh border gate.

Speaking at the inspection session, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the units at the border gates and relevant functional forces to strictly comply with the regulations of the Government and the Ministry of Health on pandemic prevention and control; to strengthen coordination between functional forces in pandemic prevention and control.

In particular, relevant units needed to have specific plans to create the most favorable conditions for businesses and traders to import and export goods through the area quickly, promptly and effectively in the spirit of implementing the “dual goals” – both effective pandemic prevention and economic development.

Regarding the Department of Health, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the unit to ensure sufficient human resources, medical equipment and supplies for pandemic prevention and control at the border gate area; to well perform COVID-19 testing, ensuring that 100% of people and vehicles entering Lang Son area to be able for testing as prescribed; to complete vaccination against COVID-19 for the team of specialized drivers, officials working at the border gate and people in the border area.

Mrs.  Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee (2nd from the right) visited and encouraged the forces on duty at a checkpoint for pandemic prevention and control at Huu Nghi International Border Gate.

The head of the delegation also asked the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone and the Department of Industry and Trade to strengthen the forecasts, to regularly grasp the import and export situation, and promptly advise provinces and cities with export products through the area so that their businesses can build plans forbringing goods to the border gate. People’s Committees of Van Lang, Cao Loc districts should coordinate with relevant agencies to check hotels and motels at border gates in the area, their observance of regulations on prevention of COVID-19 pandemic, strictly handle cases of violations according to regulations.

Wharf businesses were encouraged to overcome difficulties, continue to accompany the authorities; it is to take the initiative in fully equipping pandemic prevention and control materials, to strengthen the coordination in closely controlling the entry and exit of border gate areas; to arrange human resources and means to ensure convenient and fast loading and unloading of goods without increasing costs for import-export businesses.