Friday,  09/20/2024

Supplementing human resources, enhancing coordination to speed up site clearance

– That is the direction of Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee at the thematic meeting on the afternoon of March 11th to consider solving difficulties and problems, urging speeding up the progress of site clearance in January and February 2022.

In January 2022, in general, the site clearance for projects in the districts and city ensured the progress. However, in February 2022, due to the prolonged Lunar New Year holiday and the complicated situation of the COVID-19 epidemic after the Tet holiday, the progress of site clearance in the districts and the city was slower than planned.

According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in the first two months of the year, five units including Lang Son city, Cao Loc, Van Lang, Loc Binh and Huu Lung districts encountered problems in site clearance in ten projects.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded the meeting

Difficulties arising that seek guidance from the Provincial People’s Committee are mainly related to the following issues: allowing the application of other support mechanisms by allocating more land plots for resettlement to affected cases during the collection process for compensation and resettlement support; the case of having land recovered to build houses on agricultural land before 2013; conditions for compensation for land, houses, architectural works, trees and crops on the land; compensation price support; the recovery of land to implement projects for households that illegally build houses on agricultural land and so on.

On the basis of reports of the districts and the city, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has coordinated with relevant units to study each case of problems and synthesize, propose solutions to the Provincial People’s Committee.

At the meeting, the participants further clarified problems in site clearance for each project. At the same time, they focused on discussing and analyzing solutions. Accordingly, the participants basically agreed with the proposals of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Concluding the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged efforts of the districts and the city in site clearance work over the past time. However, due to many objective and subjective factors, the site clearance progress has not met the set requirements.

In order to speed up site clearance in March 2022 and the following time, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested that the districts and the city immediately review and supplement staffing and force for land fund development centers to ensure the good performance of the assigned workload.

In the implementation of site clearance, the districts, the city and investors must agree to have a specific site clearance plan. Investors need a place first, then focus on clearing that place, clearly defining the location and implementation roadmap.

At the same time, the site clearance groups of the districts and the city must focus on in-depth responsibility for each project, not assigning one group to be in charge of too many projects. The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized “for key projects of the province, it is required that each site clearance group be in charge of only one project to ensure the progress and quality of the work”.

Regarding the difficulties and problems of each specific project mentioned at the meeting, after listening to the opinions of the participants, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee fundamentally agreed with the proposed solutions of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

For the investment project to build technical infrastructure and Phuc Khang factory in the Non-Tariff Zone, Tan My commune, Van Lang district, to promote site clearance, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee assigned the Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone Management Board to cooperate with the People’s Committee of Van Lang District to work with the investor to agree on a plan towards arranging on-site resettlement for affected households.

For other projects, relevant departments, agencies and People’s Committees of districts and the city need to actively coordinate and proactively remove difficulties and obstacles to speed up the site clearance.