Friday,  09/20/2024


(LSO) – On August 28th, with the hosting by Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Lang Son province hosted the conferences about cadres.

Attending the conferences were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee spoke at the conference.

In  the framework of the conferences, Lang Son province organized The key cadres conference, the conference of  the Executive Committee about staff to examine the Provincial Standing Committee’s report to human resource introduction to re-elect to the Executive Committee and the Standing Committee 2020 2025 term; plan for human resources to assume the leadership positions of People’s Council and People’s Committee term 2021-2026, leaders of the 15th National Assembly delegation and implement the process of consolidating the title of Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the term 2016-2021 following a centralized process of steps.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee hosted the Executive Committee of Provincial Party Committee thematic period.

Speaking at the conference, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee thoroughly grasped the regulations on the standard structure of cadres, title standards, and introduced cadres to participate in the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the 2020 -2025 term and plan for human resource to assume the leadership positions of People’s Council, People’s Committee and leaders of the Provincial National Assembly delegation, term XV.

The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee suggested the delegates enhancing democracy, responsibility, focusing on research, fairness, objectivity, assessment, and wisely introduce personnel to ensure the standard condition following the regulations of Central Committee.

In the spirit of solidarity, responsibility and democratic concentration, all the key cadres and the members of the Provincial Party Committee agreed with high consensus and voted by secret ballot  to introduce the outstanding people to the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the term 2020-2025 in accordance with the Central regulations.

The Standing comrades of the Provincial Party Committee voted to introduce personnel to join the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the term 2020-2025.

The key comrades voted to introduce personnel to participate in the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the term 2020-2025.

Also in the framework of the conference, the Provincial Party Committee implemented a personnel process to run all the functions of the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the term 2016-2021. At the same time, taking an introduction ballot by secret ballot for the title of Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for the term 2016-2021.