Saturday,  09/21/2024

The 8th session meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on considering and commenting on many important contents

– On May 25, Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee chaired the 8th session meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. This session focused on discussing and commenting on 11 issues.

The conference spent a lot of time focusing on reviewing and commenting on the draft Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee on the development of Lang Son city to 2030 and the following years (replacing Resolution No. 62-NQ/TU of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee).

The draft resolution sets out specific goals for implementation in the period 2021 – 2025 and period 2026 – 2030, accordingly, towards building Lang Son city into a smart and modern city, striving for upgrade Lang Son city to grade 1 by 2030.

To achieve the goals, the draft sets out specific tasks and solutions. In which, it focuses on expanding the administrative boundaries of Lang Son city; developing socio-economic infrastructure, especially urban transport infrastructure; mobilizing, exploiting and effectively using investment resources for socio-economic development; building cultural institutions, implementing social welfare policies, improving people’s lives;…

At the meeting, the delegates basically agreed on the need to continue promulgating the resolution.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee chaired the meeting

Commenting on the draft, the delegates said that it was necessary to review some of the goals set out to be consistent with reality; focus on a number of key objectives, in which focus on raising the income level and cultural life of the people; clearly defining implementation solutions; considering the promulgation of a specific mechanism for Lang Son city to exploit its strengths…

Concluding this issue, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee pointed out: “After 8 years of implementing Resolution No. 62-NQ/TU, dated May 29, 2013 of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee on continuing to build and develop Lang Son city until 2020, Lang Son city has achieved many important results. However, besides the achieved results, the socio-economic there has still been some limitations in its socio-economic development, therefore, it is necessary to issue a new resolution in accordance with the new situation to continue to lead and direct the rapid sustainable and comprehensive development of Lang Son city.

She also stated: “The formulation of a resolution needs a long-term vision; the set targets must be close to the actual situation of the province; the tasks and implementation solutions must be highly feasible, and it is necessary to clearly state each task and solution to be implemented in each specific period, clearly assign responsibilities of each level and each branch in the implementation; In particular, the resolution needs to have a specific mechanism and policy so that the city can promote its internal resources, thereby promoting investment attraction and infrastructure construction;… The drafting agency should receive the comments of the delegates, quickly complete it for submitting to the Party Committee of Provincial Party Committee in the next meeting.”

The meeting also focused on reviewing the draft Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee on the development of trade and services in Lang Son province to 2025, with orientation to 2030; draft Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on strengthening the leadership of the Party in poverty reduction in Lang Son province in the period of 2021 – 2025; draft Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Executive Committee of Provincial Party Committee on strengthening the leadership of the Party in order to improve the business investment environment and enhance the competitiveness of Lang Son province in period 2021 – 2025;..

Regarding these contents, through listening to the reports as well as through the opinions of the delegates at the meeting, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee all approved.

Particularly, regarding the Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the development of trade and services in Lang Son province to 2025, with orientation to 2030; draft Report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee on promulgating the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on strengthening the leadership of the Party in poverty reduction in Lang Son province in the period of 2021 – 2025, the Secretary of Provincial Party Committee affirmed that these were important issues, so it was necessary to change the issuer of the resolution to be the Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; the drafting agency should receive the opinions of the delegates and quickly complete it to submit to Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in the next meeting.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also gave their opinions on the draft report of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee asking for opinions on the logo and slogan of tourism in Lang Son province; the document of the Party Committee of the Provincial People’s Committee asking for opinions on the Directive of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee which has not yet been issued on strengthening the leadership of the Party in the development of intellectual property in the province of Lang Son until 2030; inspection; organization and staff.