Friday,  09/20/2024

Inspection Commission discusses disciplinary measures against violating organisations, individuals

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission considered disciplinary measures against Party organisations and members for wrongdoings during its 17th session in Hanoi on July 13 and 14.
Inspection Commission discusses disciplinary measures against violating organisations, individuals hinh anh 1An overview of the session (Photo: VNA)

Looking into the results of an inspection, the commission found that the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Gia Lai provincial People’s Committee in the 2016 – 2021 tenure had violated the democratic centralism principle and working rules, and lacked a sense of responsibility, leadership and direction.

This enabled the provincial People’s Committee, organisations and individuals to break Party regulations and State laws on land, planning, investment, construction, bidding, housing, forest protection and development, thrift practice and wastefulness during the implementation of some projects; and made dishonest reports to higher-level authorities when proposing investment in the Dak Doa golf course project.

The commission blamed those wrongdoings on incumbent and former officials of Gia Lai, including Vo Ngoc Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Civil Affairs Committee, and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee.

Those irregularities had caused “serious” consequences, risks of heavy losses to forest resources and State assets, which stirred public concern and negatively affected the local Party committee and administration’s reputation to an extent that required disciplinary measures, according to the commission.

It demanded the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Gia Lai People’s Committee deal with violations and shortcomings in a timely manner and revoke decisions running counter to Party regulations and State laws.

During its session, the commission also discussed irregularities found at the Party Committee of the Price Management Department under the Ministry of Finance in the 2015 – 2020 and 2020 – 2025 tenures.

It concluded that the Party Committee of the Price Management Department had broken the democratic centralism principle and working rules while lacking a sense of responsibility, leadership, direction, examination and supervision, which enabled the department and some individuals to violate Party regulations and State laws on negotiations for COVID-19 test kits.

Those wrongdoings were blamed on Nguyen Anh Tuan, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Finance, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Price Management Department; Dang Cong Khoi, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of and Deputy Director of the Price Management Department; and Nguyen Van Truyen, Deputy Director of the Price Management Department and former Vice Secretary of the department’s Party Committee.

The commission said the wrongdoings caused “very serious” consequences and great losses to the State budget and social resources while negatively affecting the COVID-19 fight, as well as the Party organisation and State agency’s reputation to an extent that required disciplinary measures.

It also pointed out that the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Ministry of Finance in the 2016 – 2021 tenure, along with some organisations and individuals of the ministry, must also be held responsible for the violations.

The commission asked the Finance Ministry’s Party Civil Affairs Committee and the Price Management Department’s Party Committee to address these irregularities and shortcomings in a timely manner. Meanwhile, the Party Civil Affairs Committee and the Party Committee of this ministry will also have to coordinate to consider responsibility and discipline the collectives and individuals concerned.

Implementing the conclusions made at its 16th session, the commission decided to expel some incumbent and former officials of Phu Yen province from the Party, and gave warnings to others for their irregularities.

It also proposed the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee to issue disciplinary measures against the Standing Board of the Phu Yen provincial Party Committee in the 2015 – 2020 tenure, the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Phu Yen provincial People’s Committee in the 2016 – 2021 and 2021 – 2026 tenures, the Party delegation of the Phu Yen provincial People’s Council in the 2016 – 2021 tenure, and former officials of the province.

During the 17th session, the commission also discussed other important issues./.
