Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial People’s Committee held regular press conference for the first quarter of 2021

(LSO) – On January 13, 2021, the provincial People’s Committee held a press conference  in the first quarter of 2021. Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Panel co-chaired the press conference. The press conference were  attended by leaders and reporters of 13 central and local press agencies.

Speaking at the opening of the press conference, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee said that in 2020 despite the complicated situation of  natural disasters and epidemics Lang Son province with the determination of the whole political system has achieved “a dual goal” which was fighting against epidemics and developing economy. The growth rate of gross product in the province (GRDP) reached 2.09%, the business community in the province was dynamic and creative to overcome difficulties, maintain and develop business. 14 targets out of 18 major targets in 2020 have been achieved and exceeded, 4 have not met. Business investment environment continues to improve. The social security, political security, social order and safety were maintained and the border security was stable. These should be mentioned that these achievements are the results of the contribution of Central and local press agencies accompanying the province to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

Mr.Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Opening remarks at the press conference 

At the press conference, press agencies requested the Provincial People’s Committee to provide information related to several issues such as solutions and key tasks of the province to concretize the implementation of the Resolution of the XVII Party Congress of the province, term 2020 – 2025; solutions to attract investment and improve production and business environment; public investment in 2021 and medium-term public investment in the period 2021-2025; solutions to combat smuggling and fraud trade, improve the capacity of goods clearance in the border gate areas and the issues of planning the centralized press center.

The request to provide information and recommendations from journalists were satisfactorily answered by leaders of the province, relevant departments and branches.

Mr.Phung Quang Hoi, Head of the Provincial Party Committee for Propaganda and Education made a speech orientation of media propaganda in the coming time

Regarding propaganda orientation in 2021, the Head of the Provincial Party Committee for Propaganda and Education proposed press agencies to focus on promoting propaganda activities on Program No. 04-CTr / TU, dated November 6, 2020 of the Executive Committee. Provincial Party Committee on implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 – 2025, Resolution No. 08-NQ / TU dated December 9, 2020 of Lang Son Provincial Party Committee on the key tasks in 2021 and Directive No. 01 / CT-UBND dated 5/1/2021 on the implementation of the 2021 theme “tighten discipline, strengthen responsibility, act drastically, breakthrough creativity”. Besides, the press agencies paid special attention to propagating the XIII National Congress of the Party, activities to celebrate the Party and the Spring season; the preparation for the election of the National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels in 2021 and intensifying articles to fight against information against the Party and State of hostile forces.