Saturday,  09/21/2024

The provincial police force: stick to pandemic control checkpoints, ensure security and order at the facility

– With the determination to join hands in repelling the COVID-19 pandemic, over the past time, regardless of the weather, the provincial police force worked day and night to perform the task of pandemic prevention and control and to maintain security and order at the checkpoints, creating a solid “shield” against the pandemic, protecting the safety of the people…

Continuously for many months, functional forces in the area have been working day and night at the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control checkpoints to carry out their duties. In which, officers of the police force play the main role, on duty 24 hours a day. At the checkpoints, regardless of the weather, the officers remained steadfast, became a “shield” with a determination not to let the disease penetrate and spread in the area.1

We went to the pandemic control checkpoint on National Highway 1B in the territory of Minh Tien village, Vu Le commune, Bac Son district in August 2021. In the middle of a sweaty hot afternoon, after having a rushed meal, the officers continued to take turns on duty. Captain Luong Dinh Hai, Deputy Captain of the Security Team, Bac Son District Police, Head of the checkpoint said: The checkpoint was established and put into operation from July 2021 with 32 members, including district police force and commune police force. The officers always uphold the sense of responsibility and solidarity to overcome all difficulties to perform the task. On average, each day, the checkpoint checks about 300 people and vehicles from Thai Nguyen province enter the area, most of which comply with regulations on pandemic prevention. In case of violations, the checkpoint will firmly handle them. Since setting up the checkpoint, the forces have detected and advised to handle 2 cases of non-compliance with regulations on pandemic prevention when passing through the checkpoint.

The police force participated in checking people, vehicles and ensuring security and order at the COVID-19 prevention and control checkpoint in Thep Gai area, Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district.

Similarly, at COVID-19 checkpoints in Huu Lung district, the police force regularly cooperates in propagandizing and reminding citizens to comply with regulations on pandemic prevention, they also associate with ensuring security and order in the area. Colonel Dao Van Phu, Head of Huu Lung District Police said: Currently, the district maintains 4 checkpoints for COVID-19 prevention on traffic routes and 1 checkpoint in the district’s concentrated pandemic prevention quarantine area. At these checkpoints, the unit mobilized and assigned 35 police officers of the district, communes and townships to participate in the task. In addition to pandemic prevention and control, officers at the checkpoints regularly cooperate to ensure security and order, promptly detect and strictly handle incidents. From May 2021 to present, at the checkpoints, this force has coordinated to arrest 14 cases, 18 individuals of illegal possession of narcotics; fined 60 cases of violating regulations on pandemic prevention and control such as: evading the checkpoints, using fake COVID-19 test papers, etc.

According to the reporter’s research, at present, the whole province has more than 300 police officers participating in duty at 71 COVID-19 checkpoints in the area. These checkpoints are established by decision of the People’s Committee of the same level, usually located on the border roads with many participating forces, in which, the chief is usually a police officer. Lieutenant Colonel Phung Quang Trung, Head of Internal Political Security Department, Provincial Police said: In order to ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control in the province, police officers are assigned and on duty 24 hours at checkpoints, checking activities of vehicles and people entering and leaving the area. At the same time, this team also coordinated to strengthen patrols and control of the security situation at the facility in order to detect and promptly handle those who took advantage of the pandemic to commit illegal acts, affecting the work of the pandemic prevention and control.

As a result, from the beginning of May 2021 up to now, the police force at the checkpoints and the provincial police force have detected and reminded hundreds of cases; made minutes, advised to handle nearly 360 cases of violations of regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control with a total amount of fine over 900 million VND. In addition, the force also detected and arrested many other crimes. Thereby, making an important contribution to the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring security and order in the area.

Currently, the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually being controlled, and people’s lives in many areas are gradually returning to a new normal situation. This achievement is due to the important contribution of the forces on duty at the pandemic control checkpoints, of which most of the works come from the police force. In the coming time, the police force will continue to promote its role not only at checkpoints but also throughout the area, contributing to repeling the pandemic and stabilizing socio-economic development in the locality.