Saturday,  09/21/2024

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinaiton: Recorded statistics after 5 days of implementation

– The Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the province of Lang Son was implemented by the Provincial Department of Health from April 26, 2021. After 5 days of implementation, it is reported that 5,276 people were vaccinated to ensure their safe and stable health conditions. Thereby vaccine confidence among injected people was developed.

   Ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 campaign

On April 26, 2021, the Provincial Department of Health organized the Covid-19 Vaccine campaign in the province through the vaccine location at the Provincial General Hospital (PGH). On April 28, 2021, 10 district level health centers in the area offered vaccination at the centers. The priority group for Covid-19 vaccination are medical staff, members of the Steering Panel (SP) for Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control at all levels and police and military forces in the area.

Mr. Ly Kim Soi, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Health said that the Provincial Department of Health had directed the Provincial Center for Disease Control to organize a province -level training workshop and 10 district-level training workshops on Vaccine Safety Basics for medical staff with the aim to ensure the safety and timelines of the vaccination campaign. The vaccine location were organized in accordance with regulations of Ministry of Health. Besides, pre-vaccination screening was strictly implemented. During the vaccination period at the provincial GHG and 10 health centers, the Department of Health formed 5 working teams to inspect and evaluate Covid-19 vaccination at vaccine location. Thereby, 100% of immunization organizations had followed strictly the steps of vaccination safety and had treated timely cases with possible side effects of Covid-19 vaccines.

A healthcare worker of Lang Son City Medical Center receiving the Covid-19 vaccine

According to the report of the Department of Health, after 5 days of implementing the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the area (from April 26 to April 29, and on May 4, 2021), 5,276 people in the whole province got the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. All cases after receiving the first shot of the Covid-19 vaccine were reported to be in good condition, only 78 cases were reported to have side effects. However, after being treated, their health conditions were stable.

In addition to ensuring the safety of Covid-19 vaccination, all medical units ordered their healthcare workers participating in the vaccination program to strictly follow the procedures and techniques of injection safety and vaccine storage regulated by the Ministry of Health and ensure adequate injection to avoid misuse of vaccines. Ms. Bui Thi Oanh, a midwife of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology said she was assigned to inject the Covid-19 vaccine  to patients at the Provincial General Hospital. She and her colleagues strictly followed Covid-19 vaccine injection safety and used the correct techniques and took 12 doses per 1 vaccine vial to avoid vaccine waste.

   Strong confidence in Covid-19 vaccine after being vaccinated

On April 26, 2021, the Provincial General Hospital was one of the first 11 units in the province to implement the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. It is recorded that at 7 o’clock on the first day of providing vaccines to the identified priority group, there were many people gathering at the General Hospital to get vaccinated. Mr. Duong Thanh Hao, member of the Steering Panel for the prevention and control of Covid-19, Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city said that he had understood the benefits of having the Covid-19 vaccine thanks to information published on media. Together with having information of possible side effects of the vaccine, he was confident in getting the vaccine. After getting the injection, his health conditions were normal and stable and he was able to return to work.

Healthcare workers at Trang Dinh Dsitrcit Health Center giving the Covid-19 vaccine shots for the police in the area

Not only Mr. Hao, but also most first people Covid-19 vaccine showed their confidence in the vaccine because they had been informed of the benefits of vaccination and the careful preparation of all measures. Ms. Hoang Thi Hang, Head of Van Quan District Women’s Union  told that  she was on the list of the first people getting the vaccine as she was a member of Van Quan District’s Steering Board for Pandemic Prevention. Before having the injection, she felt nervous. However, when witnessing the careful preparation from screening stages to post-injection stage and the arrangement of medical immediate response and emergency sites at the vaccination location, she had strong trust in the vaccine.

Health and social workers who are at the frontline to fight the pandemic were also the first people to get the vaccine this time. Having deep understanding the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine and the possible reactions after the injection, majority of healthcare workers got the vaccine in order to be more secured in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic. Doctor Be Van Khanh, Director of Medical Center of Trang Dinh district said on April 28, 2021 the district health center organized the Co-vid-19 vaccination program in the district. He was the first person to get the vaccine at the center. Working in the medical profession, he understood that when getting any types of vaccine into the body, there was a possibility of post-injection reactions. However, with the best preparation to ensure safety after injection, he believed that the Covid-19 vaccination program in the province would be organized successfully and safely.

It is reported that after 5 days of implementing the Covid-19 vaccination campaign at 11 vaccination sites in the whole province, it basically met the requirements of ensuring safety, efficiency, and no vaccine waste.

According to the Department of Health’s plan, the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, Phase 1 in 2021 in the province is scheduled to be completed before May 15, 2021. To ensure the progress, the Department of Health has requested all organizers of vaccine locations to promptly complete the vaccine program in the area with the total number of 8,750 doses allocated to the listed priority target groups. After reviewing the list of injected subjects and the number of leftover vaccines, the Department of Health will instruct and order all the vaccination organizers to organize another vaccination program before May 15, 2021 to avoid vaccine waste.

It is believed that the experience gained through this vaccination campaign is the foundation for the province to organize the future Covid-19 vaccination programs upon the distribution of vaccines by the Ministry of Health. Together with the people’s awareness of pandemic prevention, getting the Covid-19 vaccine will be an effective shield to protect our community from Covid-19 pandemic.