Friday,  09/20/2024
"Square star" soldiers fight against "COVID-19 enemy"
- In the fight against the "COVID-19 enemy", in addition to the active participation of forces such as the army, police, health care ..., over the past time, the role of the militia (also known as the "square star" soldiers) is also very important. They always take the lead in ensuring security and order, setting up checkpoints at...
Red Journey: Promoting the voluntary blood donation movement
Red Journey: Promoting the voluntary blood donation movement
- From 2014 to now, on every summer occasion, the Provincial Steering Committee for Blood Donation Mobilization has organized the Red Journey program with many meaningful and humane charity activities. Thereby, it attracts a large number of officials and people to participate in blood donation. They are willing to share their blood, share life with patients to have...
Ensuring food safety and hygiene in quarantine areas
Ensuring food safety and hygiene in quarantine areas
- As of July 11, 2021, the province has more than 170 quarantine areas outside medical facilities, with more than 7,700 people quarantined. Along with the conditions of health, security and order, the Steering Committee for the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic at all levels has implemented many practical measures to ensure food safety and hygiene,protect...
Promote simplification of administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals
Promote simplification of administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals
- In the 2017-2020 period, administrative agencies and units in the province have had many specific solutions to promote the review and simplification of administrative procedures. Thereby, gradually eliminating cumbersome administrative procedures, significantly cutting costs in implementing administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals. As one of the departments and sectors that has performed well the...
Ensuring epidemic prevention and control in the management of recovered F0 cases
Ensuring epidemic prevention and control in the management of recovered F0 cases
- In the face of the fact that many recovered F0 cases who returned to their localities are re-positive, the health sector has closely coordinated with functional forces to strictly implement regulations on epidemic prevention and control, ensuring that the epidemic does not potentilally spread in the community. According to Decision No.2008/QĐ-BYT of Ministry of Health dated April...