Friday,  09/20/2024

“Square star” soldiers fight against “COVID-19 enemy”

– In the fight against the “COVID-19 enemy”, in addition to the active participation of forces such as the army, police, health care …, over the past time, the role of the militia (also known as the “square star” soldiers) is also very important. They always take the lead in ensuring security and order, setting up checkpoints at the grassroots level, accompanying the anti-pandemic forces, protecting the health and peace of the life of the people.

At noon on July 13, 2021, we met Mr. Hoang Van Quang, a militiaman in Khun Thung village, Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district. At this time, he and some other were on duty at the inter-sectoral health quarantine checkpoint at km55 of National Highway 1A, in the territory of Than Muoi village, Dong Mo town. His forehead and the back of his shirt was wet with sweat.

“Out here on the street, the temperature may be around 40 degrees Celsius, right?” – We started a conversation, but Mr. Quang was still “sticking to the target” in his front, so he didn’t turn back but just told us “On this asphalt, maybe it is. But at this time, many people and vehicles entry and exit, so no matter how hot it is, we here still focus on checking, controlling, managing not to prevent the disease from the area…” It is known that Mr. Quang is one of the main labors in his farming family. Currently, despite being the farming season, but when he is mobilized, he is all willing to go on a mission.

Militia, army and border guard forces on their border duty to prevent illegal immigration

The same as Quang, standing militia soldier Be Xuan Dai, Quoc Khanh commune, Trang Dinh district has been on duty for many days in the quarantine area of ​​Khanh Hoa Primary School of the commune, where there are over 100 citizens under public quarantine from June 26, 2021 to present. Mr. Dai shared: “I have a 4-year-old child, my wife works far away, who hasn’t been able to come home for a long time due to the pandemic, so I have to take on “two roles”. My parents are also old, so they can’t support much. That’s my family situation, but I arrange to attend my full shifts. Now, all people and families participate in the fight against the pandemic, if I am not supporting in the quarantine area, I will also participate in pandemic prevention and control elsewhere”.

Just like the two cases above, over the past time, the “square star” soldiers in the province did not mind difficulties and hardships, putting aside their own things to take care of the common affairs, which is, to join the whole political system and forces in COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. Lieutenant Colonel Le Hai Duong, Head of the Commission of Self-Defensing Militia, the Advisory Division, the Provincial Military Command said: “Since the outbreak of COVID-19 until now, the Provincial Military Command has mobilized more than 57,600 officers and militiamen to carry out the pandemic prevention and control at nearly 160 checkpoints and posts in border areas and over 170 public quarantine areas. In which, in 2020 the number was 32,156 f officers and soldiers; Since the beginning of 2021, there have been more than 25,500 officers and soldiers. They have coordinated with other forces at the grassroots level to effectively control the pandemic, to ensure the security and safety of the People and to handle the incidents. In many places, the militia is also the core force supporting people in production and economic development even during the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Militia soldiers on duty at the inter-sectoral health quarantine checkpoint, at km55 of National Highway 1A, in the territory of Than Muoi village, Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district.

From the beginning of 2021 until now, the militia has participated in detecting, collecting and handing over to medical units for quarantine more than 2,700 Vietnamese citizens who illegally entered the country through the trails and were returned by the Chinese side via the border gates. Along with that, this force also coordinated to propagate the law to nearly 13,700 people, distributed more than 11,400 leaflets, encourage 5,753 households to sign a commitment to comply with regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic. On many national highways and in border gate areas, the militia also make an important contribution in performing their duties at the checkpoints, contributing to disease prevention, ensuring the safety of goods import and export, serving local socio-economic development.

It can be affirmed that in the fight against the “COVID-19 enemy”, militia officers and soldiers – the “square star” soldiers in the area have become a reliable fulcrum, a solid “fortress” recognized and appreciated by the Party committees, authorities and people for their responsibility, determination and best efforts for the common task, for the health of the community…