Friday,  09/20/2024
Sacrifice for the peace of life
Sacrifice for the peace of life
In the fight against criminals, despite adversity and danger, generations of Lang Son’s police have always been clever, brave and determined to win over the criminals. While doing the tasks, many of them have heroically sacrificed for the peace of the People... The Logistics Division of the Provincial Public Security Department present gifts to the family members of martyrs...
Join hands to take care of the health of people with meritorious services
Join hands to take care of the health of people with meritorious services
Upholding the tradition of "When drink water, think of its source", "Repaying gratitude", over the years, all levels and sectors have always paid attention to medical examination and treatment, care, nursing to restore health for people with meritorious services and relatives of people with meritorious services in the province. Lang Son City General Clinic implements a free medical examination...
General education program from 2018: Creating changes in education
General education program from 2018: Creating changes in education
The school year 2022 - 2023 is the third year in the implementation of the general education program (GEP) from 2018 for grades 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10. With the active participation of all levels, sectors in the province and the efforts in teaching and learning, educational activities have achieved many positive results. A review lesson of the...
Ready for the 17th Provincial Trade Union Congress
Ready for the 17th Provincial Trade Union Congress
Only one week left, the 17th Provincial Trade Union Congress, term of 2023-2028 will officially take place (July 27 and 28). With the initiative and high concentration in implementing the tasks, up to this point, the Provincial Labor Confederation has basically completed the preparation for the congress. Delegates participated in the inauguration of the inspection road to border marker...
Broadcasting 5G Network: Contribute to accelerating digital transformation
Broadcasting 5G Network: Contribute to accelerating digital transformation
Currently, Lang Son province has tested 5G broadcasting at a number of locations in the city. 5G broadcasting is the foundation for promoting digital transformation in the province, bringing many benefits to people and businesses. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (2nd from the right) experiences the 5G...
Industry promotion program: Supporting to increase the value of key products
Industry promotion program: Supporting to increase the value of key products
In recent years, the Center for Industry and Trade Promotion under the Department of Industry and Trade has implemented many industrial promotion programs to support facilities, cooperatives and businesses producing key products of the locality in terms of investing in modern machinery, equipment and technology in production, building brands, improving product productivity and quality, thereby increasing competitiveness and expanding...
Spreading charity work in the Humanitarian Month
Spreading charity work in the Humanitarian Month
With the spirit of solidarity and mutual love, the Humanitarian Month (May every year) attracts a large number of organizations, individuals, businesses and benefactors to actively participate in contributing resources to humanitarian activities. Many meaningful and practical activities have been carried out by various levels of the Red Cross in the province, contributing to spreading humanitarian values to all...
Flexible measures to facilitate the export of fresh fruit
Flexible measures to facilitate the export of fresh fruit
From May 2023 up to now, localities throughout the country have entered the harvest season of all kinds of fruits, especially fruits on the list of official exports to China. Therefore, the number of trucks carrying fresh fruit for export through the provincial border gates has increased sharply. To ensure the quality of exported fruits, relevant sectors and forces...
Promote the right of mastery, arouse the strength of the People
Promote the right of mastery, arouse the strength of the People
The document of the 13th National Party Congress emphasized: "In all work of the Party and State, we must always consider people as the root". Implementing this point of view, over the past time, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have always consider the motto "People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people supervise,...