Friday,  09/20/2024

Strengthening measures to prevent and combat smuggling in the Lunar New Year

(LSO) – On January 20, the working delegation of the National Steering Committee for combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods (the Steering Committee 389), led by Major General Dam Thanh The, Chief of the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee 389 worked with the Provincial Steering Committee 389 about the stituation of combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in the province in 2020 and the implementation of the peak period before, during and after the Buffalo Lunar New Year 2021.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee 389 chaired the meeting with the working delegation.

In 2020, the Provincial Steering Committee 389 proactively developed plans and directed the fighting against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in the area; regularly inspected  and drastically directed functional units, since then, the units have taken measures to prevent and handle violations.

Major General Dam Thanh The, Chief of the Standing Office of the National  Steering Committee 389 delivered a speech at the meeting

Accordingly, in 2020, the functional forces handled 5,347 cases, equaling 85% compared to 2019; with the total value of  confiscated goods valuing nearly 32 billion VND; prosecuted 370 cases with 549 subjects.

Regarding the implementation of fighting against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in the peak period before, during and after the Buffalo Lunar New Year 2021, the  Provincial Steering Committee 389 has directed border forces such as border guards, customs to strengthen blocking posts at trails and crossings, timely detect and prevent smugglers from transporting smuggled goods and banned goods, as well as prevent illegal entry and exit.

Accordingly, the forces have maintained 156 blocking posts and coordinating groups at blocking posts across the border line with over 700 officers and border guards regularly on duty. Along with that, inland forces have also strengthened market control, actively inspected the circulation.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Major General Dam Thanh The requested members of the  Provincial Steering Committee 389 to continue to effectively implement the central government’s directing documents on combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods; well grasp the situation, strengthen coordination, continue to promote inspection, check and handling of violations.

In particular, on the occasion of the Buffalo Lunar New Year 2021, it is forecasted that smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods will increase; therefore, it is required to well grasp the situation and assigned fields; strengthen inspection and prevent subjects from transporting smuggled goods across border areas.