Friday,  09/20/2024

The city needs to be more determined and drastic in site clearance

– On July 2, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the site clearance and implementation progress of some projects in Lang Son city.

According to the report at the inspection, in the first 6 months of 2021, the City People’s Committee has focused on site clearance to implement 50 projects, of which 5 projects are included in the list of key projects of the province.

Accordingly, the relevant units in the area have measured, counted the volume of land, buildings, structures, trees and crops of 34 households and 4 organizations affected by 21 projects with a total area of ​​87,190 m2; held a meeting to approve the compensation, support and resettlement plan for 228 households affected by 28 projects; approved the compensation, support and resettlement plan for 293 households and 5 organizations with a total value of 72.3 billion VND; paid compensation, support and resettlement for 119 households with a total amount of nearly 34.5 billion VND; handed over 127,950 m2 of space to implement 13 projects…

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the inspection session

Besides the achieved results, the implementation of a number of projects in Lang Son city still faces difficulties related to site clearance such as many households which have not yet agreed with the compensation plan; some projects which have been prolonged, many changes in law and compensation and resettlement policies and mechanisms which lead to questions from project-affected families about compensation rates…

At the inspection, the leaders of a number of departments, sectors, People’s Committee of Lang Son city, the investors of a number of projects focused on discussing and assessing difficulties and obstacles in site clearance work in the area of ​​Lang Son city in the first 6 months of 2021. At the same time, they made specific proposals and solutions to solve difficulties in the coming time.

Concluding the inspection, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the efforts of Lang Son city in site clearance. Thereby a number of problems was sold, the site was handed over to the investors to implement a number of projects. However, the progress of site clearance was still slow.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspected a number of projects in Lang Son city

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested Lang Son city to be more determined and drastic in the site clearance; to innovate ways to implement site clearance work more effectively, first of all, it should focus on solving projects with prolonged difficulties and problems.

Lang Son City People’s Committee was also required to completely solve the prolonged problems in projects in Phu Loc urban area 1, 2, 3, 4 in the third quarter of 2021; to set up a project to implement the intersection No. 7 (Phu Loc urban area 4); to establish project of Ly Thai To street and resettlement area; to pay attention to consolidate the City’s Site Fund Development Center…

Previously, the delegation inspected a number of projects in progress in Lang Son city.