Friday,  09/20/2024

10 products that been voted for the 2021 provincial level’s typical rural industrial products

– On June 21, The Department of Industry and Trade held a voting session for typical rural industrial products at the provincial level in 2021. Attending the voting were Mr. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Council for the selection of typical rural industrial products of Lang Son province in 2021.

According to the report of the Department of Industry and Trade, in 2021, the province has 18 products from 17 units in 7 districts and city that submit applications and products for voting. The products participating in the vote have shown the characteristics of rural industrial products in the province, the application of machinery and technological equipment in manufacturing; the use of local available materials;the focus on packaging and labeling; some products have shown the local cultural identity; fully meet the criteria specified in the Circular No. 26/2014/TT-BCT dated August 28, 2014 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, regulating the organization of voting for typical rural industrial products such as collecting and satisfying the market demand of products in economic – technical – social indicators; culture and aesthetics.

Members of the Council for the selection of typical rural industrial products at the provincial level in 2021 visited the booth of products participating in the vote

 At the voting session, the Voting Council selected 10/18 products belonging to the group of processed agricultural, forestry, aquatic products and food products; product group of equipment, machinery, tools and mechanical spare parts. Voted products include sugar-free corn noodles (Thanh An Trading Company Limited); Guilinggao; powdered black jelly (Duc Quy Import-Export Investment and Production Co., Ltd.); door hinge products (Viet Bac Development and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company); Araliaceae honey (Quang Hong Agricultural Service and Production Cooperative); Hong Nhung’s black jelly (Ha Thi Tuyet Nhung household business); Hong Nhung’s Organic turmeric starch (Hong Nhung Agricultural Cooperative); sachi seeds (Lang Son Macca and Sachi Joint Stock Company); Lua Vy’s Chameleon plant tea(Lua Vy agricultural product processing cooperative); Tuan Hung Bac Son peanut oil (Tuan Hung Agricultural Cooperative).

Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the voting session

At the voting , Mrs.Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Council for selecting typical rural industrial products of the province in 2021 pointed out a number of limitations of this voting such as voters are still modest; the number of products is not diverse. At the same time, she suggested that the Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Science and Technology need to coordinate with Party committees and authorities of districts and city to actively support locals and businesses to promote their brands, find markets to consume products; The Department of Industry and Trade needs to push foward propaganda work so that rural industrial  establishments can understand the meaning of choosing and participating in typical rural industrial products; carefully prepare the conditions for organizing the award ceremony for the units whose products are voted on; coordinate with specialized agencies to advise the Provincial People’s Committee on the content of voting typical rural industry products to promote and develop these products in the province.