Friday,  09/20/2024

Celebrating 60 years of Vietnam’s population management sector

– On December 25, the Provincial Steering Committee for Population and Family Planning (the Steering Committee) held a ceremony to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the traditional day of Vietnam’s population management sector (December 26, 1961 – December 26, 2021).

Attending the celebration were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Population and Family Planning; Mr. Pham Vu Hoang, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Population and Family Planning (Ministry of Health) and representatives of officials working in the field of Population and Family Planning in the province.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the celebration

Over 60 years, under the leadership of the Party, the direction and administration of all levels of government, together with the whole country, population work in Lang Son province has achieved important results.

In 1961, the total fertility rate was 6.4 children/woman, by 2020, it has decreased to 2.19 children/1 woman (closer to the replacement fertility rate and the province has the lowest fertility rate among the 33 provinces with high fertility rate).

By the end of 2021, the difference in the sex ratio at birth in the province is initially controlled at 114.6 boys/100 girls; Malnutrition, maternal and child mortality decreased sharply, the rate of newborn screened children reached over 55% of the total number of children born; the rate of pregnant women undergoing prenatal screening is over 60%.

Mr.  Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (3rd from the right) presents certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to the groups

The goal of the province’s population work for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030 is to focus all resources and determine to realize the goal of quickly reducing the province’s general fertility rate to replacement fertility (2.1 children/ women) and maintain the status of one couple with 2 children by 2030, reduce the disparity in the birth rate of 3rd child or more among districts and city; bring the sex ratio at birth to 112 boys/100 girls by 2025 and less than 109 boys/100 girls by 2030; make effective use of the golden population structure; adapt to the aging population; improve the quality of the population…

Speaking at the celebration, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised and recognized the achievements that the entire population management sector has achieved in recent years.

Mr. Pham Vu Hoang, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Population and Family Planning (Ministry of Health) presents certificates of merit to individuals

He suggested all levels of Party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front Committees and unions continue to strengthen their leadership, direction and investment of resources for population work; the system of specialized population officials needed to be more active and proactive in advising the Party committees and local authorities to make timely decisions and together with all levels of sectors to effectively implement the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic; continue to promote the tradition of solidarity, emulation, creativity, valuable lessons learned in population work over the past 60 years, thereby contributing to the successful implementation of Resolution No. 25/2021/NQ-HDND dated December 9, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Council stipulating a number of population policies in the province.

On this occasion, 7 groups and 11 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in population and family planning field in the 2016-2021 period; 5 groups and 18 individuals were awarded certificates of merit from the General Department of Population of Vietnam for their contributions to the field of population and family planning; 3 groups and 22 individuals were awarded certificates of merit from the Department of Health for outstanding achievements on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the population management sector.