Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the strengths of social networks in propaganda work

– With such advantages as a large number of users, the ability to spread information quickly and easy access to information…, social networks are becoming one of the effective methods of propagandizing the directives and resolutions of the Party, policies and laws of the State.

Currently, social networks are mainly used by agencies and units in the province for propaganda work, mainly Facebook and Zalo, because these types are popular with users and easy to use.

Recognizing that social networks are an effective propaganda tool, in November 2019, under the direction of the City Party Committee, City People’s Committee, a Fanpage on Facebook network named Lang Son City – “City of Peach Blossoms” was officially established. On average, each week, it posts from 5 to 7 news and articles according to the propaganda orientation of the Party committee and government; activities of the leaders of the city; provides the public with official information. This fanpage also promotes the cuisine and people of Xu Land… With the official and attractive information, the fanpage has attracted a large number of viewers and followers (more than 13,000 followers).

Delegates from the Party Committee of Provincial Agencies in the training course on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party

Mr. Nguyen Van Trong, Tran Quang Khai Street, Chi Lang Ward, Lang Son City said: “I often visit the fanpage of Lang Son city because I know this is the place to provide official information. Through this, I have gained information that is of my interest such as documents related to the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic and outstanding activities in the city…”

Along with Lang Son city, from 2019 to now, the Party Committee and government of 10 districts have directed their specialized divisions to set up such fanpages on the social networking platform as Facebook. The units and branches of the province also have pages to promptly post and share information related to their activities … In which, there are a number of fanpages that operate effectively and attract a large number of followers and high interaction such as Lang Son Newspaper, Lang Son TV, Lang Son Center for Disease Control, Lang Son Province’s e-Government…

In addition, the use of social networks for propaganda is also very effective in spreading information and protecting the ideological foundation of the Party. Accordingly, the Steering Committee for the implementation of Resolution 35 of the Politburo on strengthening the protection of the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views in the new situation at all levels in the province (referred to as Steering Committee 35) has gradually make used of and promoted the advantages of social networks in performing political tasks. From the beginning of 2021 to the end of the third quarter, pages and groups of Steering Committee 35 at all levels in the province have posted and shared nearly 20,000 propaganda messages, articles and images, attracting over 445,000 visits, nearly 37,000 comments, reacts…

Mr. Be Thang Long, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Van Lang District Party Committee, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee 35 of Van Lang District, said: “Over the past time, the Steering Committee 35 at all levels in the district have increased the activities of pages and groups on social networks to propagate and protect the ideological foundation of the Party. In addition to Facebook, the Steering Committee 35 of the district has developed more than 30 zalo groups with more than 700 members to perform tasks. We also encourage officials and party members to use personal Zalo accounts to post and share official information.”

Officials of Propaganda and Education Commission of Lang Son City Party Committee refer to information on social networks

In order for officials, party members, and members of the Steering Committee 35 at all levels to master the use of social networks in propaganda, protection of the Party’s ideological foundation, the related professional training is also provided. From the beginning of 2021 until now, 10/11 districts and city have organized training for officials, party members and members of the Steering Committee 35 on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party. Through the training courses, the officers understand the process of fighting on social networks; instructions on setting up, managing and using Facebook, Zalo, Mocha accounts; technical guidance on “diluting” information, sharing, spreading, and removing malicious information on social networks…

Ms. Nong Thi Thanh Tam, Head of Propaganda Division, Propaganda and Education Commission, Provincial Party Committee, member of Provincial Steering Committee 35  said: “Using social networks to spread and share positive information, prevent negative information is one of the important tasks of the Steering Committee 35 at all levels. In the coming time, our team of experts will continue to advise the Provincial Steering Committee 35 to effectively operate and improve the quality of news content, articles on pages and groups… to create pervasiveness and attraction of a large number of officials, party members and people paying attention and following.”

Through the above fact, it is shown that the use of social networks in the propaganda work of the Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province in recent years has been effective, helping users to update accurate and fast information, contributing to preventing malicious information, spreading official and positive information to the people, contributing to improving the effectiveness of propaganda in the new situation.