Friday,  09/20/2024

Agencies and units: Actively and proactively implementing Project 468

– In early 2021, the Prime Minister approved the Project to renew the implementation of the one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures (referred to as Project 468). In order to effectively implement the project, agencies and units in the province have been having many positive solutions to contribute to improving the quality of administrative procedure resolution, creating satisfaction for individuals and organizations.

In March 2021, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 468/QD-TTg approving the Project to renew the implementation of the “one-stop-shop” and “inter-agency one-stop-shop” mechanism in handling administrative procedures. Accordingly, on July 15, 2021, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan No. 157/KH-UBND on the implementation of Project 468 in the province, deployed to all departments, commissions and sectors under the Provincial People’s Committee; People’s Committees of districts and city; People’s Committees of communes, wards and townships throughout the province.

Officials of the Provincial Public Service Center guide people to apply through the Public Service Portal and the Provincial digital “one-stop shop”.

Mr. Bui Duc Trung, Deputy Director of the Public Administration Service Center, Office of the Provincial People’s Committee, said: “The project will be implemented in a period of 5 years, from 2021 to 2025. The project will focus on the renewal of the implementation of the one-stop-shop, inter-agency one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures in the direction of not depending on administrative boundaries, associated with digitization and use of the results of digitization of records, papers and settlement results. Thereby, improving the service quality of the “one-stop” department at all levels, contributing to the formation of digital citizens and digital enterprises in building digital government.

Accordingly, in 2021, the whole province strives to complete the digitization of valid administrative procedures settlement results, reaching at least 30% at the provincial level, 20% at the district level, and 15% at the commune level; implementing the process of digitizing records, papers, and results of administrative proceedings at the Provincial Public Administration Center. In 2022, organizing the implementation of the process of digitizing records, papers and results of administrative procedures settlement at 50% of the “one-stop shop” department at district level and 30% of the “one-stop shop” department at commune level; At least 30% of people and businesses when performing administrative procedures do not have to provide information, papers and dossier again when successfully performing previous administrative procedures. In the year 2023 – 2025, increasing the rate of digitization, digital signature and electronic storage of records, papers, results of administrative procedures that have been successfully resolved each year by 20% for each administrative level until it reaches 100%; implementing the process of digitizing records, papers and results of administrative procedure settlement at the “one-stop shop” departments at district and commune levels according to the rate of increase of at least 30% per year until reaching 100%, except for communes in remote and extremely difficult areas…

Chi Lang is one of the district-level units actively and proactively implementing Project 468. By the end of November 2021, the district’s administrative agencies and units have digitized the results of valid administrative procedures settlement, reached 15% at district level and 10% at commune level. Mr. Vi Quang Trung, Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee said: “The district People’s Committee has developed and issued a plan to implement the project in accordance with the actual conditions of the district with a clear roadmap from now to 2025. In which, the district focuses on fully equipping facilities and equipment at the “one-stop shop” department at all levels to meet the needs of administrative procedures in the network environment. In the immediate future, from now until the end of 2021, we will try to digitize the valid administrative procedure settlement results to ensure that the province’s targets are met.”

Together with Chi Lang district, after 4 months of implementation, agencies, units, and People’s Committees of districts and communes across the province have developed and fully promulgated plans to implement the project, concretizing implementation goals in the period of 2021 – 2025 suitable to their units; 100% of cadres, civil servants and public employees have been disseminated the content, meaning and objectives of the project. At the Center for Administrative Procedures of the province, the organization and implementation of the process of digitizing records and papers, the results of administrative procedure settlement reached 100%. Up to now, the digitization of valid administrative procedure settlement results has reached 30% at the provincial level.

With the determination from the beginning of the period and specific and detailed tasks, synchronous solutions, the close direction of the government and the active participation of agencies and units in the province, from now to 2025, the implementation of Project 468 will achieve more efficiency, contribute to improving the quality of administrative procedure settlement under the “one-stop shop” mechanism, creating leverage to promote socio-economic development.