Friday,  09/20/2024

Van Quan received the certificate of the collective trademark protection of “Van Quan Black Canarium, Lang Son”

(LSO) – October 28, the People’s Committee of Van Quan district held a ceremony to receive the collective trademark protection of “Van Quan black canarium, Lang Son”.

Currently, Van Quan district has over 80 hectares of black canarium, with an output of 1,200-1,500 tons per year, with the selling price of 70,000-80,000 VND per kg, the total income is over 20 billion VND. Black canarium harvest season starts from July of lunar calendar until about September of lunar calendar, black canarium trees with the age from 15 to 20 years will give 50 to 150 kg of fruit.

Leader of the Department of Science and Technology awarded the Certificate of trademark registration for the Gardening Association of Van Quan district

Before 2019, black canarium tree has not been properly evaluated for its effectiveness and potential for development, although it is an easy-to-consume product in the market, the price is uncertain due to the lack of intellectual property protection. At the same time, the product has not yet been applied scientific and technological advances to improve productivity, quality, traceability, production is fragmented, there is no linkage between producers and enterprises to organize the production, processing and sale of black canarium products.

Therefore, from 2019, the Agriculture and Rural Division of Van Quan district, the District Gardening Association has cooperated with the Center for Science -Technology Application, development and product quality measurement to build collective brands for products of Van Quan black canarium, Lang Son.

On September 3, 2020, the Department of Intellectual Property – Ministry of Science and Technology decided to issue a trademark registration certificate for Van Quan black canarium, Lang Son and fixation for fresh black canarium fruit products; preliminarily processed and processed black canarium;  black canarium seedlings and services of buying – selling black canarium.

Delegates visited the display area of ​​products made from black canarium

The protected collective trademark of Van Quan black canarium, Lang Son contributed to affirm its reputation, credit and quality on the market.