Saturday,  09/21/2024

Focus intensely on site-clearance

– At the monthly seminar on removing difficulties and obstacles to speed up site clearance held in the morning of August 9, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee directed relevant sectors that site clearance should be focused intensely.

 According to the information after screening and reviewing by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in August 2021, 6 districts and a city reported facing difficulties in the implementation of project site clearance, specifically, Lang Son city with 6 projects; Cao Loc with 2 projects; Binh Gia with 1 project; Loc Binh with 3 projects; Van Lang with 2 projects and Trang Dinh with 1 project. Identified problems are related to building houses on agricultural land leading to the lack of eligibility for compensation for residential land; applying specific and fixed land prices in projects changing their areas or regions; applying the policy framework on compensation; recognizing differences in support policies for resettlement and development of ethnic minorities ODA funded projects; land property on road traffic safety corridors.

Problems with projects in the districts of Cao Loc, Van Lang, Trang Dinh, Loc Binh were clarified by representatives of functional departments, branches and People’s Committees of districts. The districts mainly agreed with solutions proposed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a speech at the meeting

The problems in Lang Son city include: Building the resettlement in block 9, Vinh Trai ward; Infrastructure project of residential block 9, Vinh Trai ward (Ao Can – Bai Than area); infrastructure project in My Son residential and resettlement area; Ky Cung riverside park (section from Dong Kinh bridge to Dong Kinh hotel), and the Provincial Police Office Project. Functional departments and branches requested the City People’s Committee to complete documents for further reviewing and screening.

To conclude the meeting, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee appreciated districts with many positive changes in site clearance in August.

Regarding removing obstacles in site clearance for project works in districts: Cao Loc, Loc Binh, Van Lang, Trang Dinh, Mr. Vice Chairman agreed with solutions proposed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. With regard to the proposal for cases affected by Phu Loc I urban area project in Lang Son city, the leader of the Provincial People’s Committee rejected and asked the City People’s Committee to complete the dossier to acquire land.

With problems related to compensation and site clearance in ODA-funded projects in Binh Gia district, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee asked the district to flexibly apply mechanisms and policies to ensure compliance with regulations and legislation in favor of local people’s benefits.

Regarding the key tasks in the coming time, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested: The governments of districts and Lang Son city to highly focus on site clearance, especially in key projects, to promote projects’ progress. Department of Planning and Investment and Department of Construction have to urgently complete project dossiers and advise the Provincial People’s Committee about investors for the projects of Building administrative urban area in ​​Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district and Ky Cung river ecological urban area in Lang Son city as soon as possible.