Saturday,  09/21/2024

Speed up the public investment capital Disbursement to achieve the set-up goals

– The flexible and effective management and administration of public investment disbursement is considered by the Provincial People’s Committee as a key solution to promote economic development and maintain economic growth during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. In order to speed up the disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of the year, the Provincial People’s Committee has been focusing on supplying drastic instructions to relevant departments, branches and investors to manage the capital to complete the set-up plan.

 According to the public investment capital allocation plan described in Decision No. 1950/QD-TTg dated November 28, 2020 of the Prime Minister, in 2021, Lang Son province is assigned to manage VND 2,761 billion together with VND 150 billion assigned by the Provincial People’s Committee. Thus, the total planned public investment capital assigned to the province is VND 2,911 billion VND. By the end of August 16, 2021, it is recorded that investors assigned to manage capital have disbursed 1,080 billion VND, equivalent to 37.1% of the capital plan assigned by the province, lower than the same period in 2020 (in the same period of 2020 reaching 45% of the plan).

The project manager of Lang Son City Construction Investment Management Board inspected the consistencies between the investment document and the actual construction of the project “Renovate and Upgrade Hoang Van Thu Primary School, Lang Son city”.

The reason for the low capital disbursement is that some investors are slow in organizing investment preparation procedures. Besides, site clearance has not met the requirements. It is seen that by the end of July 2021, only 8 out of 40 units of capital management and project investors disburse less than 10% of the plan; 5 out of 40 units have achieved the disbursement rate from 10% to 20% of the plan.

It is true that the capital disbursement has not met the actual requirements. Thus, relevant agencies and units have advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue executive documents and drastic directions to promote the public investment capital disbursement in the last months of the year. The goal is to start new projects by September 30, 2021 and approve investment policy for future projects before October 30, 2021.

Accordingly, investors are advised to focus on implementing in accordance with the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee such as: assigning staff to collaborate with consulting units to complete project documents; organizing meetings between investor and consulting units to resolve problems that may happen during the project implementation. As a result, by mid-August 2021, 13 out of 13 new construction projects in 2021 have completed the investment preparation. Currently, investors are promoting site clearance to start construction as planned. Regarding 56 projects in the period of 2021 – 2025 and other additional project for the last 6 months of 2021 in the fields of transport, education, and health… are urged to complete investment documents.

Regarding transitional projects, it is important for investors to speed up progress and develop detailed monthly disbursement plans; review the disbursement ability of each project; resolutely handle contractors with slow the construction progress.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Chien, Director of the Department of Planning and Investment said: Investors must develop a specific disbursement plan for each project and send it to the Department and the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee for further monitoring. Besides, the department have monthly meetings with investors to review the capital disbursement in order to have timely plan to advise the Provincial People’s Committee  about measures to regulate capital sources, promote the disbursement capital.

Besides, removing bottlenecks in site clearance to promote construction of projects also has a direct impact on the results of disbursement of investment capital and specific projects. Therefore, currently, the units assigned to implement the project have been closely coordinating with the authorities of the districts and cities to accelerate the implementation of site clearance projects.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Director of the Management Board of Construction and Maintenance of Traffic Infrastructure under the Department of Transport, said: In 2021, the Board will start construction of 3 new transport infrastructure projects, in order to actively and without interruption in the implementation of projects, right from the time of preparing for the construction investment, the Board has closely coordinated with the People’s Committees of the districts: Chi Lang, Binh Gia, Huu Lung to pre-implement the liberation work. ground. As a result, by mid-August 2021, there are 2 projects that have basically completed site clearance and carried out construction in the field and 1 project is being promoted for site clearance, expected to start before 30 days. September 2021.

With the drastic management of the Provincial People’s Committee and the initiative of the investors assigned to manage public investment projects, Lang Son strives to reach 60% of the plan by the end of September 2021. capital and by the end of 2021, disbursement will reach 95% of the plan.