Saturday,  09/21/2024

Binh Gia needs to focus on building new countryside

– On September 8, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and inspected the implementation of new rural style areas in Binh Gia district.

According to the district report presented at the meeting, in the first 8 months of 2021, the program of new rural areas in Binh Gia district has been closely monitored and directed. Along with the state investment, local people in the area donated 260 million VND in cash, mobilized 8,000 labors, donated nearly 70,000 m2 of land to build roads… As of the end of August 2021, it is estimated that, all communes of the district achieved 11.78 criteria, of which 6 communes achieved 19/19 criteria.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, led the inspection team visited at a school under construction in Thien Long commune

Thien Long commune which strives to meet the new rural standards in 2021, has achieved 9/19 criteria. It failed to meet the criteria related to electricity, schools, information and communication, residential housing, income, the percentage of poor households, culture, environment and food safety, political system and law. Those criteria are being urgently implemented by communes and districts. In addition to infrastructure works being built, Thien Long commune continues to promote propaganda and mobilize people to work together to implement criteria of traffic, residential housing, environment and food hygene and safety.

Tan Van commune which strives to meet the advanced rural development standards in 2021 achieved 9/14 criteria.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

At the meeting, representatives of provincial departments and branches and leaders of Binh Gia district discussed a number of specific solutions to speed up the implementation of the unsatisfactory criteria of Thien Long commune as well as solutions for the district’s new countryside plan.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised and recognized the efforts of Binh Gia district and Thien Long commune in implementing the plan of new rural areas in 2021. However, the plan implementation shows a number of limitations such as: the average criteria are low and the number of criteria achieved in the commune is still small.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, with delegates visited a cow farm in Thien Long commune

Regarding the future tasks, he requested: Binh Gia district needs to highly focus on directing the plan of new rural areas in the last months of the year; improving the quality of the criteria in communes which have reached the new rural standards; paying great attention to the implementation of advanced rural communes and exemplary residential areas; highly focusing on directing Thien Long and Tan Van communes to meet the standards; appraising and evaluating criteria objectively, especially those related to income, poor households, etc.

For Thien Long commune, it is necessary to continue promote the propaganda and take advantage of local people’s strength to implement the criteria of traffic, residential housing, environment, and food safety; focus on developing and improving the economic efficiency of commercial forest models.