Saturday,  09/21/2024

BIDV Lang Son: Accompanying and supporting medical staff with a special credit package

– In order to support, encourage and share some of the difficulties with medical staff, Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Lang Son Branch (BIDV Lang Son) has implemented a special credit – service program with many incentives for them.

With the aim of joining hands to support and share with medical staff, BIDV Lang Son has implemented a special credit and service program “Accompanying the medical sector – Joining hands to overcome the pandemic” for individual customers who are medical staff who are working at hospitals, provincial disease control center, district and city health centers in the province with fixed working position or labor contracts with term of one year or more.

The special preferential credit program implemented by BIDV Lang Son from August 2021 to December 31, 2022 (until the end of the package) includes a credit package to support living and housing needs. In which, the credit package for living need requires no collateral, the fixed loan interest rate is 1%/year applied for the first 24 months, the loan amount does not exceed 50 million VND /person. Regarding the credit package for housing need, its fixed loan interest rate is 5.5%/year applied for the first 24 months. Customers can choose one of two ways of reducing interest rates for an existing loan or applying for a new loan.

BIDV Lang Son staff guides customers to apply for a loan from a special credit program for medical staff

Mr. Hoang Van Huy, Deputy Director of BIDV Lang Son said: “In order to implement the program effectively, BIDV Lang Son has established working groups at district branches, assigned staff to inform the purpose of each loan package to customers; surveyed loan needs and guided customers to make loan applications. Up to now, we has worked with provincial-level hospitals, Provincial Center for Disease Control and a number of medical centers in districts with branches of BIDV bank; coordinated with medical centers of districts and city to continue to popularize loan procedures to all medical staff. Up to now, the total outstanding loan of the program has reached over 3.4 billion VND with 69 borrowers.

As one of the medical staff to receive incentive from the special credit program for medical staff, Dr. Loc Tung Huong, Division of Financial Planning and Prevention Medicine, Provincial Center for Disease Control said: “With the guidance of staff from BIDV Lang Son, I borrowed 50 million VND from this special credit package. The capital was disbursed quickly and promptly, helping me to have more money to buy equipment and household appliances for the daily life of my family.”

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoa, Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control, said: “The special preferential loan program from BIDV Lang Son has somehow helped the medical staff and doctors in my unit have more financial support to serve their living and housing needs, contributing to stabilizing their lives, which helps them continue to work without worries. In the coming time, we will continue to coordinate with BIDV Lang Son to inform our all medical staff about the preferential package.”

In addition to two special preferential credit packages, BIDV Lang Son also provides preferential service packages for all medical staff in the province such as 100% exemption for 6 types of fees (fees for transferring money to another BIDV accounts or those of other banks via BIDV smartbanking, account management fee, BIDV smartbanking maintenance fee, domestic debit card issuance fee, account balance notification fee), no minimum balance maintenance required; free prepayment fee…

Although it has just been implemented, the special service credit program of BIDV Lang Son has encouraged the spirit of “white blouse soldiers” to keep their optimism and fulfill their assigned tasks, to contribute to COVID-19 control.