Friday,  09/20/2024

Assessing the situation of exporting goods through the province’s border gates

– On December 30, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a meeting to assess the situation of goods export and consider the draft notice of temporary suspension of receiving export goods.

According to a report by the Department of Industry and Trade, as of the morning of December 30, the total number of trucks in the area of ​​three border gates: Huu Nghi, Tan Thanh and Chi Ma was 3,136 vehicles, of which the number of trucks carrying export fruits was 1,970, mainly concentrated at Tan Thanh Border Gate. Meanwhile, up to this point, only two border gates in the province that carry out customs clearance of goods are Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Chi Ma Border Gate.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

According to the Department of Industry and Trade, on average, only 70 to 80 cargo trucks are allowed to clear customs every day, mainly through Huu Nghi International Border Gate. With the current customs clearance capacity, it takes about 40 days to clear all the trucks currently at the border gates. Meanwhile, according to reports from relevant units, there are still businesses bringing goods to the area of ​​​​Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Chi Ma Border Gate (about 80 trucks per day).

Faced with such a situation, based on the actual situation, at the meeting, representatives of relevant units focused on discussing and proposing solutions to remove the congestion of trucks carrying export goods at the border gates. At the same time, they proposed a number of solutions in situations where it is not possible to raise the goods customs clearance capacity to a higher level.

Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee stated that with the flexible and active solutions of the province implemented in recent years, the traffic congestion at the border gates has also decreased gradually. At the same time, through the recommendation of the province, businesses have understood the situation of customs clearance activities at the border gates, so the number of trucks carrying goods to the border gates at this time has decreased. Therefore, based on the actual situation, at this time, the province still continues to receive trucks carrying export goods to the province’s border gates.

However, the clearance capacity at this time is still limited, the number of trucks carrying goods that can clear customs in a day is not as good as before, so the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested that the Department of Information and Communication continue to act as a focal point to provide information to recommend businesses not to bring goods to the border gate at this time; press agencies provide information and images on the actual situation of goods import and export activities at the provincial border gates and coordinate with press agencies in other localities so that businesses in the provinces capture information.

The Department of Industry and Trade must prepare the notice of temporary suspension of bringing goods to the provincial border gates to be ready to be issued in the event that the number of vehicles congested at the border gate increases. The Management Board of the Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone must continue to update information on the situation at the border gates to promptly handle and adjust the plans; prepare a plan to support drivers and goods owners in case they have to stay during the Lunar New Year. The Provincial Police, the Provincial Border Guard Command must direct their affiliated units to continue to arrange and regulate cargo trucks to enter and exit the border gates reasonably, making efforts to prevent congestion at the border gates; provincial departments and agencies are required to continue to study solutions to support enterprises to consume agricultural products in the domestic market; continue to strengthen the COVID-19 prevention and control at the border gate area as well as at the parking lots outside the border gate area and so on.