Friday,  09/20/2024

Business community: Taking care of employees’ Tet

– In 2021, despite the complicated development of the epidemic, production and business activities of enterprises were greatly affected, the business community in the province has made efforts to overcome difficulties and maintain production and business. As a result, in addition to ensuring wages for employees, many businesses also increase welfare to share with employees on the 2022 Lunar New Year of the Tiger, helping employees have more resources to fully welcome the lunar new year.

H&T Production and Trading Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing bamboo mats with more than 50 workers. In the context of the complicated epidemic, the company has faced many difficulties in importing raw materials for production and product consumption. However, businesses still find all ways to maintain jobs and generate income for employees. The Lunar New Year is approaching, the company saves expenses to take care of employees’ Tet.

Mr. Trinh Tuan Dung, Deputy Director of H&T Production and Trading Co., Ltd. said that in order to take care of employees’ Tet, in addition to timely payment of wages, the company has saved expenses to take care of the employees’ Tet with the support level of one million dong/person on average. Although the source of support is not large, in the context of difficulties caused by the epidemic, this is a timely source of encouragement for employees to have more conditions to enjoy the spring, celebrate Tet and continue to stick with the company.

The employee of Xuan Cuong Huu Nghi Joint Stock Company (blue shirt) received Tet gift from the company leader

At Lang Son Production and Trading Joint Stock Company, Mr. Ho Phi Dung, Director of the Company said that in the context of complicated epidemic developments in 2021, but 80 employees and workers at the enterprise have all made efforts, sticked with the unit in order to maintain production and business. As a result, by the end of 2021, the revenue targets set by the company exceeded 8%, which is a great effort of both leaders and employees. Therefore, in addition to paying salaries on time, the company decided to increase this year’s Tet bonus by 10% compared to 2021, specifically, the average Tet bonus in 2022 for employees is 11 million dong, Tet bonus of 10 million dong (in 2021).

Not only the above two businesses, all businesses operating in the province are very interested in taking care of and ensuring Tet for employees. According to the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the province currently has more than 2,800 businesses and 675 branches and representative offices of businesses inside and outside the province, employing about 41,000 employees. In the past year, enterprises have well complied with the provisions of the labor law such as salary, social insurance, health care and other welfare regimes. In which, many businesses have paid attention to taking care of their employees’ Tet, such as paying full wages and on time; some businesses pay the 13th salary month. Notably, about 450 businesses have registered to give Tet bonuses to their employees with an average bonus of one million to eight million dong/person. This is one of the business community’s great efforts in the context of the economy facing many difficulties due to the epidemic. Thereby, it has created trust and closeness of the employees.

Ms. Lam Thi Thao, an employee of the printing workshop, Thien Ngan Printing Joint Stock Company said that on January 23, the company organized a gift giving and Tet bonus for them. Although production and business face many difficulties, this year’s bonus level is similar to last year’s, they are very glad for the attention of the company’s leadership so that not only her family but also many other employees at the company have more conditions to fully celebrate Tet. This is also a motivation for employees like them to make more efforts in the new year 2022.

Accompanying businesses, all levels and sectors in the province have actively developed and implemented a plan to give Tet gifts to employees in the enterprise, especially those with difficult situations. Mr. Le Van Y, Head of Policy, Law and Labor Relations Department, the Provincial Labor Confederation said that right from mid-November 2021, the Department has advised the Labor Confederation to issue a plan on organizing activities to take care of Tet for union members and employees on the Lunar New Year of the Tiger in 2022. Up to now, the Labor Confederation has visited and given gifts to a number of businesses with employees in difficult circumstances and will continue to encourage some more businesses before and after Tet. In particular, they have also used all the resources to care and support Tet gifts for more than 800 disadvantaged employees in the whole province, of whom 245 cases belong to enterprises (each gift is worth 800,000 dong). Thereby, it has contributed to helping employees in enterprises in particular and workers in the whole province in general have a full and safe Tet.

Only about one week left until the 2022 Lunar New Year, with the attention and sharing of all levels, industries and businesses, employees in Lang Son enterprises will have a fuller Tet. From there, it will help create a driving force to improve productivity and quality of production and business for the development of enterprises and the province.