Friday,  09/20/2024

Building new rural and civilized urban areas: Effectiveness from a campaign

– Over the past time, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province have effectively implemented the Campaign “All people unite to build new rural and civilized urban areas”. Thereby, it contributes to the successful implementation of the task of socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security in the province.

The campaign “All people unite to build new rural and civilized urban areas” has been implemented by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front since 2016, on the basis of inheriting and promoting the campaign “All people unite to build cultural life in residential area”. Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, said: “This is a national and comprehensive campaign. In order to effectively implement it, over the past time, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has advised the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee to issue plans and guiding documents, to coordinate in organizing the implementation of this campaign from the province to the grassroots level and residential area. Thanks to that, the campaign was widely popularized, receiving the enthusiastic response of the people, bringing practical effects…”

The leader of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee and delegates supervise the result of new rural development in Gia Loc commune, Chi Lang district

Among the contents of the campaign, one of the outstanding activities is that the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province coordinated to propagate and mobilize the people to well meet the criteria for the recognition of the new rural and civilized urban areas. In which, they focus on propagating and mobilizing the People to donate the resources for the construction of rural and urban infrastructure with the motto “the State and the People work together”. As a result, from 2016 until now, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels has mobilized people to contribute money, land, working days to repair and upgrade rural and urban infrastructure with a total value of more than 570 billion VND. From the mobilized resources, the Fatherland Front Committee has advised the Party committee and coordinated with the local government at the same level to allocate support in a reasonable way to invest in the construction of rural infrastructure, residential area such as electricity, roads, schools, stations, cultural houses and implementation of campaign contents.

The Fatherland Front Committee of Chi Lang district is one of the typical units in carrying out this work. Mr. Vi Cong Hau, Head of the Commission of Mass Mobilization, Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee said: “For many years, we have maintained the construction and effective use of the “New rural development” Fund. In 2021 alone, the Fundraising Committee has mobilized many resources, thereby, supporting more than 233 million VND to build new rural projects in the area to carry out 18 works to light up village roads and 1,000 waste incinerators, 5 rural road works, 7 residential village gates, 2 residential bridges…

In order for the contents and activities to be effective, creating consensus among the People, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels are always interested in listening to the opinions, gathering comments to send them to the relevant functional forces for consideration. Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Sen, Director of Lang Son City Construction Investment Project Management Board, said: “Over the past time, many projects before being implemented have been under debate, reasonable and quality comments from the people have been collected by the City Fatherland Front Committee. This helps us to adjust the project items reasonably, contributing to the successful construction of civilized urban areas in the locality.”

Not only propagating and mobilizing the People to implement, the Fatherland Front Committee also regularly supervises the building of new rural and civilized urban areas in the area, ensuring practical and effective implementation of the contents and programs. With that active participation, up to now, the whole province has over 70 communes that have met the new rural standards and more than 70 streets have been recognized as civilized urban areas.

W ith that effort and contribution, in December 2021, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee received a certificate of merit from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism and a number of individuals in the province received a certificate of merit from the Central Committee of the Fatherland Front. Vietnam on the implementation of the Campaign “All people unite to build new rural and civilized urban areas”.

In the coming time, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee will continue to request the Fatherland Front Committees from districts to grassroots levels to promote the implementation of the campaign “All people unite to build new rural and civilized urban areas ” in order to contribute to building a more modern and innovative the appearance of rural and urban areas in the province and enhancing the material and spiritual life of the people day by day.