Friday,  09/20/2024

Budget submission: Parallel efforts from businesses and tax authorities

– In 2021, despite being affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, many businesses in the province have made unremitting efforts to overcome difficulties to stabilize production and business activities, continuing to make an important contribution to the results of revenue collection and payment in the province.

According to the statistics of the Provincial Tax Department, the tax authorities currently manage 2,674 enterprises operating in the province, of whom, there are 100 state-owned enterprises, 36 foreign-invested enterprises and 2,538 non-state enterprises. Every year, the tax collected from businesses is always one of the largest and most stable sources of revenue and plays a key role in determining the completion of the annual estimate.

In 2021, the COVID-19 epidemic has negatively impacted many businesses, especially those in the fields of commerce, tourism and services. In addition, some localities have implemented social distancing, affecting a part of employees working at enterprises…In such a context, many businesses have implemented solutions to overcome difficulties, stabilize production. Na Duong Coal Company, one of the largest budget-paying enterprises in the province, is an example.

Production and business activities at Thuong Thanh Stone Company Limited, Chi Lang District

In the context of the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic, in order to stabilize production and business, the company pays particular attention to the COVID-19 prevention and control. Mr. Nguyen Van Tao, Head of the Organization and Administration Department, Na Duong Coal Company said that in order to proactively respond to the developments of the epidemic, the company has actively developed regulations, plans and scenarios for COVID-19 prevention and control; arrange private vehicles to transport workers; prepare enough material conditions to work, eat and stay on site. In addition to focusing on measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic, the company continues to promote production and business activities, increase mechanization, apply technical innovation initiatives to production, etc. The synchronous methods have been implemented seriously and drastically, the company still maintains stable production and business activities. In 2021, the company paid over 130 billion VND to the budget, the salary of employees increased by 8%.

Along with Na Duong Coal Company, many other businesses in the province have constantly made efforts to overcome difficulties, implementing many synchronous solutions to overcome difficulties caused by the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic such as requesting workers to strictly implement regulations on epidemic prevention and control; vaccination organization; implementing the plan of working, eating and resting on the spot so as not to interrupt work; promoting the application of information technology to production and business…Thereby, many businesses in the province have effectively implemented the “dual goal”, both doing well in epidemic prevention and control and stabilizing production and business activities and fulfilling their budget payment obligations.

In addition to the efforts of businesses, the tax authorities have focused on implementing many synchronous and flexible solutions to create the most favorable conditions for businesses to fulfill their budget payment obligations. Ms. Nguyen Hang Nga, Deputy Director of the Provincial Tax Department said that tax authorities continue to promote propaganda and support taxpayers in many forms. In addition to propaganda and direct support (in 2021, there were 729 times of phone support, 2,531 times of support at the one-stop shop, 12 face-to-face dialogue sessions with more than 1,100 taxpayers…). The Provincial Tax Department held online propaganda conferences for businesses to both ensure the epidemic prevention and control and provide maximum information support for businesses in the area. In addition, the tax authorities continue to implement the program “Accompanying start-ups” in the form of tax policy guidance, list of tax declaration, tax payment, tax finalization and so on.

With the efforts of businesses, the initiative and flexibility in propaganda and support measures of the tax authorities have made an important contribution to helping businesses fulfill their obligation to pay the State budget. In 2021, the total budget revenue from businesses in the province was nearly 740 billion VND (accounting for 23.16% of the province’s total domestic revenue). In which, some areas achieved high results compared to the estimate such as non-state enterprises reaching 131%; enterprises with local state capital achieving 116%; foreign-invested enterprises reaching 102.5%.

The amount paid by businesses has made an important contribution to the overall domestic revenue in the province. In 2021, the total domestic revenue in the province was 3,194 billion VND, reaching 146% of the estimate assigned by the Ministry of Finance, accounting for 134% of the estimate assigned by the province and increasing by 13.5% over the same period in 2020.