Friday,  09/20/2024

Thematic meeting on site clearance in December 2021

– On February 8, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a thematic meeting to remove difficulties and obstacles in site clearance in December 2021 and commented on the draft report summarizing the site clearance work in 2021, agreed on a list of key projects to focus on directing to accelerate progress in 2022. Attending the meeting was Mr. Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council.

In December 2021, according to the summary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, there are 8/11 units reporting the situation of site clearance of projects, of which 4 units have encountered difficulties and obstacles in 8 projects, in which Lang Son city has 4 projects; Loc Binh district has 2 projects; Chi Lang and Dinh Lap districts each have 1 project.

The problems arising in the month that need consulting the Provincial People’s Committee mainly related to the following issues: allowing the application of a support mechanism to allocate more land plots for resettlement to affected cases during the compensation, support and resettlement of land recovery; cases of recovery of overlapping land and cases of building houses on agricultural land before 2013.

At the meeting, the relevant departments and sectors and the People’s Committees of the districts and city clarified the content of the problems to ask for opinions to resolve according to the competence of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concludes the meeting

Concluding this content, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee basically agreed with the proposal of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Specifically, the Provincial People’s Committee agreed to apply another support mechanism for affected households by allocating 1 plot of resettlement land with land use fee collection to 5 affected households under the South Hoang Dong Urban Area Extension Project and allocate 3 more resettlement plots for cases affected by the Project of Provincial Police Headquarters in Mai Pha commune.

For some cases of problems in the Phu Loc 3 Urban Area Project, the People’s Committee of Lang Son city is assigned to review the legality of the problematic cases and report to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and decision at the next meeting. Regarding problems at the South Nguyen Dinh Chieu Resettlement and Residential Area Project, the Provincial People’s Committee agreed with the solution proposed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Regarding problems in a number of projects in the districts of Loc Binh, Chi Lang, Dinh Lap, the Provincial People’s Committee agreed with the proposed plan of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

At the meeting, delegates also focused on discussing the draft report summarizing the land clearance work in 2021 and proposing a list of key projects in 2022.

Accordingly, in 2021, the whole province carried out site clearance for 228 projects, including 50 transition projects, based on the list of projects, the People’s Committees of districts and cities have counted 186/ 228 projects;  completed handing over 123/228 projects with an area of 330/12,300 ha, equivalent to 2.68% of the plan… In general, the site clearance has many positive changes, but the implementation progress is low and slower than required.

For the key project list in 2022, the Department of Planning and Investment proposes 27 project lists, including 17 transitional projects in 2021 and 10 new projects.

Concluding these contents, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: The draft report summarizing the ground clearance work in 2021 is a very important report of the province to serve the leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee in 2022

Therefore, in order to ensure the quality requirements, properly and comprehensively assess the achieved results, limitations and weaknesses, the agency that develops the draft report is required to send the districts to request detailed reports. In which, Lang Son city, Loc Binh district, Cao Loc district made a summary of the district level, and other localities sent the final report to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. The completion deadline is February 15, 2022.

The content of the report must comprehensively evaluate the leadership and direction work of the Party committees, authorities at all levels and the participation of the political system; achieved results, innovative ways of doing things of the local; institutional building work; clearly state difficulties, limitations and weaknesses; Lessons learned from practical implementation of site clearance projects in 2021, proposed directions and solutions for implementation in 2022.

Regarding the list of key projects in 2022, Mr. Vice Chairman stated: “The list of key projects in 2022 must ensure large-scale, pervasiveness and influence of large projects on the province’s socio-economic development. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Investment is requested to supplement the National Highway 4B Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project, phase 2, section 18 to km 80 in Dinh Lap and Loc Binh districts; Project Hoang Dong golf course hotel; the intersection of Huu Lung Industrial Park with National Highway 1A and the Southeast New Urban Area of Dong Mo Town, Chi Lang District in the list of key projects in 2022. At the same time, the department removes a number of projects from the list to ensure the focus of direction, to avoid ineffective spreading.”