Friday,  09/20/2024

The mark of digital transformation

– The year 2021 marks a strong transformation of Lang Son province in terms of digital transformation. Although the transformation just has been implemented, so far, 3/5 pillars of digital transformation of the province which are digital government, development of digital economy and digital society have basically been completed in a relatively clear and systematic way.

On August 10, 2020, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan 135/KH-UBND on the implementation of the national digital transformation program to 2025, with orientation to 2030 in the province. The goal is that by 2025, digital government will be implemented systematically with 80% of level 4 online public services provided on various means of access; work records from provincial to commune levels will be processed in the network environment; 100% of data and reports will be periodically aggregated and shared on the shared database of the province and the Government; 50% of inspection activities of state management agencies will be carried out through the digital environment. With the digital economy, the Provincial People’s Committee sets a target that by 2025, the digital economy will account for 15% of the province’s GRDP; the proportion of the digital economy in each industry or field shall reach at least 10%; labor productivity increased by at least 7%. The goal of digital society development is that fiber optic broadband infrastructure covering over 80% of households, 100% of communes and towns; universalization of 4G/5G mobile network services and smartphones; strive for the percentage of population with electronic payment accounts above 50%…

Officers of Huu Nghi Border Gate Customs Branch track vehicles entering and leaving the border gate through the digital border gate platform

After clearly defining specific goals, tasks and solutions, the digital transformation steering committee from the province to the grassroots have actively directed the implementation of digital transformation content to achieve and exceed the set goals. The Provincial People’s Committee optimized human and material support from the Ministry of Information and Communications and telecommunications businesses in digital transformation.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Lich, Director of the Department of Information and Communications said: “ The Department of Information and Communications has researched and advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue plans and resolutions on digital transformation; proactively coordinated with digital businesses and corporations in building digital platforms; trained and guided members of the community technology team. The Department has established more than 1,700 community technology groups with more than 6,000 members.

After a year of digital transformation, Lang Son has achieved outstanding results in implementing digital government, developing digital economy and digital society. Specifically, implementing the building of digital government, 100% of eligible public services in 2021 have been upgraded to level 4 online public services. Regarding the digital economy and digital border gates, in 2021, the province has developed 116,000 digital stores (accounting for 60% of the total number of households in the province), 102,000 electronic payment accounts, completing the planned target 4 years in advance. 200 ATMs were also been deployed to create favorable conditions for people in communes to make transactions. The platform of digital border gate is in the process of being tested at Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Tan Thanh Border Gate. Currently, the digital border gate platform has connected to the customs database platform of the General Department of Customs and the registration database of the Ministry of Transport.

Mr. Pham Tuan Hoan, Deputy Director of Information Technology, Huu Nghi Xuan Cuong Joint Stock Company (Cao Loc District) said: “We specialize in providing wharf and transshipment services in the area of Huu Nghi Border Gate. The implementation of the digital border gate platform helps us to confirm information faster, from there load the good faster. Currently, the company has installed and connected the surveillance camera system with the functional forces at the border gate to better serve the import and export work.”

In 2021, technology platforms serving the digital society have been put into operation, the Department of Information and Communications has deployed a shared digital platform for teaching and learning management for 674/674 schools in the province. 100% of teachers are granted a free digital signature to create electronic school records and electronic grade books, saving the budget about 130 billion VND. 100% of district hospitals have been equipped with a remote consultation system to improve the quality of patient care.

Mr. Nguyen Van Ly, Representative of Post and Telecommunications Group in Lang Son, Director of Lang Son Telecommunications said: “Although over the past time, digital platforms have had to deploy ” super fast” but they still ensure the quality as well as the value. In order to complete the task well, Lang Son Telecommunications has restructured the information technology team and actively trained to improve skills for technicians. Therefore, after only 3 – 4 months, we have completed the technology platforms.

With the results achieved, in 2021, Lang Son is in the top of the leading provinces in digital transformation in the country. It is believed that in 2022 and the following years, the digital transformation will continue to be implemented systematically and strongly in the province, thereby actively contributing to the development of socio-economic and national defense.