Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to promote new construction projects in 2022

– On February 11, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a meeting to review the implementation situation and urge to speed up the implementation of public investment projects that start construction in the new year 2022. Attending the meeting were Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, leaders of departments, agencies and investors assigned to manage projects.

In 2022, the Provincial People’s Committee assigns planning targets and approves a list of 22 newly started projects, including 16 projects using local budget capital and six projects using central budget capital. Regarding the implementation progress, eleven out of sixteen projects using local budget capital meet schedule requirements, specifically three projects have approved the contractor selection results; four projects are organizing contractor selection and four projects are editing and finalizing feasibility study reports, economic and technical reports; five projects are behind schedule. For six projects using central budget capital, two projects meet progress requirements and four projects are implemented behind schedule.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a concluding speech at the meeting to accelerate the progress of new construction projects in 2022.

In addition, the investors also reported the implementation of investment preparation procedures for two new projects under Resolution 43/2022/QH15, including National Highway 4B Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project, section from km 18 to km 80 and the investment project in construction and procurement of equipment for 50 health centers in communes and wards in Lang Son province under the central economic recovery support package, implemented in 2022 and 2023.

At the meeting, the investors assigned to manage the implementation of the projects proposed some solutions to speed up the progress of new construction projects in 2022 such as closely monitoring the consulting units to complete investment procedures to ensure quality; coordinating with specialized departments to expeditiously appraise projects to submit to competent authorities for approval and promote site clearance; develop a plan to implement each project on a monthly and quarterly basis and register the progress with Departments: Planning and Investment and Finance to monitor and urge the progress in association with accelerating disbursement to complete the allocated investment capital for new construction projects in 2022.

Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized that the promotion of public investment projects right from the first days and first months of the new year is very important, helping the province to complete socio-economic development targets in 2022. Therefore, investors are required to urgently complete legal procedures in accordance with regulations to start new projects in June 2022. For some projects, due to the requirements of the two-step procedure, the legal documents must be completed in order to start construction before September 2022.

Regarding the responsibilities of specialized departments, it is necessary to regularly follow up with the project implementation of the investors, expeditiously appraise the projects according to regulations. The Department of Planning and Investment is assigned to advise the Provincial People’s Committee to set up inspection teams to urge the implementation of projects.

For newly arising projects using economic recovery capital, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is assigned to urgently coordinate with Dinh Lap and Loc Binh districts to carry out the process of adjusting land use planning and completing the projects’ related procedures; review and supplement the list of land acquisition projects in 2022 to submit to the Provincial People’s Council’s thematic session at the end of February 2022. People’s Committees of districts and the city must coordinate with investors to accelerate site clearance to meet the progress of transition projects and new construction projects in 2022.