Friday,  09/20/2024

Leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee inspect the socio-economic development situation in Dinh Lap district

– On March 15, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the situation of socio-economic development, the State budget estimate in 2022 and the COVID -19 pandemic prevention in Dinh Lap district.

 On the basis of planning targets assigned by the Provincial People’s Committee, right from the end of 2021, Dinh Lap District People’s Committee has assigned targets of the socio-economic development plan and the 2022 budget estimate to communes, townships and units in the district. At the same time, the committee directed units to actively implement tasks from the beginning of the year.

Accordingly, communes, towns, agencies and units in the district have simultaneously strengthen rural infrastructure and plant trees in early spring. Up to now, agricultural and forestry production in the district has been implemented on schedule as planned.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered the conclusion of the inspection

Regarding new rural construction, up to now, the district has 7 new rural communes, of which 2 are newly improved rural communes; On average, each commune achieves 16.9 criteria. Currently, the district is focusing on directing and striving in 2022, to have Chau Son commune reach to the new rural standard and Bac Lang commune to meet the new enhanced rural standard; there are 3 more residential area models and 13 new rural standard villages; On average, each commune achieves 17.8 criteria.

Along with that, the budget collection was also actively implemented, by the middle of March 2022, the district had collected more than 29 billion VND, reaching 21% of the estimate. Site clearance and basic construction are carried out in accordance with regulations.

Cultural – social activities, ensuring social security are implemented effectively by all levels and sectors in the district; national defense – security is guaranteed.

The prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic has been strictly implemented under the direction of the superiors. Currently, 100% of people aged 18 and over are vaccinated with the first dose of vaccine; 95% received the 2nd dose and 67.31% received the 3rd dose. The proportion of people aged 12-17 who received the 2nd dose was 83.62%.

However, in the first 2 months of the year, the implementation of socio-economic development goals in the district also faced certain difficulties due to complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic; some communes have not been active in building new-style rural area…

Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspected the construction of Chau Son Commune Kindergarten

Speaking at the inspection, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised the positive results that Dinh Lap district achieved in the first two months of 2022.

Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested: All levels and sectors in the district continue to promote the achieved results, overcome difficulties and limitations, determined to best fulfill the set goals and tasks.

In which, the district continue to invite and create favorable conditions for investors to come to learn, survey and invest in the area; focus on forest care and protection, forestry economic development; effectively implement master plans and plans on land use; settle the problem of forest land disputes; continue to do well in the building of new-style rural areas, striving that by 2025, Dinh Lap will be recognized as a new-style rural district; do well the site clearance work, speed up the progress of projects; effectively implement the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, take good care of the People’s health…