Saturday,  09/21/2024

Strengthening the fight and countering malicious information in cyberspace

– Over the past time, the Steering Committee of “Strengthening the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against false and hostile allegations in the new situation” (referred to as the Steering Committee 35) at all levels in the province has actively fought against false information, spread positive information in cyberspace, contributing to the successful implementation of many important political tasks.

In early April 2021, a facebook account named Le Viet Ha posted 8 news, articles, photos and videos on his personal page related to the implementation of Ban Lai reservoir project, taking advantage of the fact that some people did not agree with the project to provoke them and cause misunderstanding. With clipping content, these news and articles have caused confusion in public opinion. Determining that this was malicious information, members of the Steering Committee 35 of  Loc Binh district actively informed and coordinated with functional agencies to clarify the motives and purposes of him when posting; requested the subject to remove the post and inform him about its negative effects on the community.

Members of the Steering Committee 35 of Lang Son city refer to information on social networks

Immediately afterward, on the fanpage named “Lang Son 35” – the official information page of the Provincial Steering Committee 35, there was a rebuttal article, stating the benefits of implementing Ban Lai water reservoir project including water supply irrigation, flood reduction… The article has received many agreeable opinions from the people.

This is one of the cases that the Steering Committee 35 at all levels have promoted their roles and responsibilities in strengthening the rebuttal of malicious and false information. Over the past time, the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee – the standing body of the Provincial Steering Committee 35 has advised and implemented many solutions to counter false claims and protect the ideological foundation of the Party.

Ms. Nong Thi Thanh Tam, Head of Propaganda Division, Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee said: “As a member of the expert group of the Provincial Steering Committee 35, we have advised to build the operation orientation; opened official information pages; organized a training conference on fighting, opposing, preventing and dealing with false information in cyberspace for members of the Steering Committee 35 at all levels…

At the same time, the Steering Committees 35 have established official fanpages, groups, etc. to share, link and spread positive information, fight against false and hostile claims on the cyberspace while many important political events are taking place. Some of the official fanpages with high shares and interactions include Lang Son 35, Peach blossom vitality, Green space…”

Ms. Hoang Thi Bich Nhung, Deputy Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the City Party Committee, a member of the Steering Committee 35 of Lang Son City, said: “The fanpage “Peach blossom vitality” of the Steering Committee 35 of Lang Son city regularly updates information in time, specifically and according to prominent political events; propagates and refutes false information that causes confusion among the public. Thereby, it not only contributes to the orientation of public opinion, but also propagates and promotes the local historical and cultural traditions, socio-economic development achievements.

Over a period of operation, the Steering Committee s 35at all levels has promoted its role to eliminate malicious information and spread positive information in cyberspace. Specifically, from 2020 until now, the Steering Committees 35 from the province to the district has directed and mobilized forces to participate in reporting bad news from more than 200 accounts of reactionary forces, promptly preventing negative information from reaching the people. At the same time, the official fanpages receive the support of a large number of users.

Promoting the achieved results, in the coming time, the Steering Committees 35 at all levels will continue to actively understand the situation in the area, coordinate to participate in the fight to remove fake and false news in cyberspace. At the same time, they will integrate the content of the fight against wrong views, protect the ideological foundation of the Party in activities, training programs, and foster political theory for cadres and party members.

From 2020 up to now, the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee has organized training for collaborators and members of the  steering committees 35 of 9 over 11 districts, cities and 2 units (Provincial Confederation of Labor and Provincial Youth Union) to guide them on managing facebook pages, groups, and accounts; methods of coordination, mobilization and organization of forces to fight against and handle false and malicious information in cyberspace… Through this, collaborators and members of the steering committees 35 at all levels understand the process and steps to handle and fight against wrong and hostile views on the internet and social networks, meet the requirements of the task, contribute to building political bravery and strong belief for the staff and party members.