Friday,  09/20/2024

The Border Guard excellently completed the dual task

(LSO) – In 2020, the Provincial Border Guard overcame difficulties, effectively implemented the “dual” task of border protection and Coivd-19 epidemic prevention and control.

Provincial Border Guard is responsible for managing and protecting over 231 km of national border lines and in charge of 21 communes and towns in 5 border districts of the province. Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, Secretary and Political Commissar of the Party Committee of the Provincial Border Guard said: “In 2020, in order to perform the task of border protection and Covid 19 prevention, the Party Committee and the Command of the Provincial Border Guard have led, direct to strengthen forces in key areas and complex areas. At the same time, we have implement professional measures, effectively fight against crimes. While working, the border guard has always actively overcome all difficulties, regularly get to know and understand the area, propagate and mobilize the people to strictly comply with the requirements of the government and functional branches on disease prevention and control. In particular, the forces at the posts have to strain themselves 24/24 hours to patrol, control, resolutely prevent illegal entry and exit and prevent and control Covid -19.”

The Border Guard Force at Huu Nghi International Border Gate Station and the militia are blocking the border

Provincial Border Guard has set up 156 camps, blocking teams (125 fixed camps and 31 mobile teams), forming solid “fortresses” along the border; mobilizing 100% of the army to be on guard, coordinate with the functional forces to patrol and control seriouly at the trails and openings across the border. Lieutenant Colonel Pham Trong Thinh, officer of the Mass Mobilization Team, Na Hinh Border Station, said: “The officers and soldiers on duty along the border has always wholeheartedly and actively informed to the people about the prevention and control of Covid -19; the prevention and control of smuggling and illegal border crossing. At the same time, they has aslo encouraged the people to notify the competent forces timely when detecting suspicious individuals in the area crossing the border.”

In the fight against all kinds of crimes, Provincial Border Guard and the functional forces have thouroughly understood the internal and external situation of the border, the activities of all kinds of crimes. Thereby, they has successfully prevented many specialized projects, arrested many criminals. In 2020, the Provincial Provincial People’s Committee has established and succeeded in 2 projects; detecting, arresting 25 cases, with 40 criminals of illegal trading, transporting, possessing and using drugs, seizing 273 kg of methanphetamine, 18 bars of heroin, 19,794 grams of heroin and so on.

Typically, the Chi Ma Border Station, Loc Binh district, during the year, has established 17 24-hour blocking posts at trails, shortcuts and a mobile team to patrol and manage the border. Major Ly Van Ty, Deputy Head of Operations at the Chi Ma Border Station, said: “The unit has proactively developed plans, implemented professional measures, motivated the ideology of officials and soldiers. They clearly define the roles and responsibilities of participating in blocking positions in complex locations, at risk of smuggling and illegal entry and exit. In 2020, the unit has handled 11 criminal cases with 27 criminals who sponsored illegal entry and exit, purchased, sold and transported of firecrackers, illegal possession of drugs; discovered 269 Vietnamese citizens of illegally entry; received 508 Vietnamese citizens handed over by China through the border gate, hand them over to the authorities for quarantine according to regulations.

With the results in implementing the “duals” task, in 2020, the Provincial Command of the Border Guard has received many collective and individual commendations. In particular, the Provincial Command of the Border Guard was awarded the Second Class Victory Medal by the State President for outstanding achievements in the fight against drug crimes in project LS320P, contributing to maintaining political security, social order in border area.

From the beginning of 2020 to the end of November 2020, the border guard forces arrested and handled 33 cases of medical device smuggling, seized over 400,000 medical masks and more than 14,000 pairs of medical gloves. The border stations have discovered and received more than 670 cases, with more than 3,000 Vietnamese and 5 Cambodian citizens being pushed back and by the Chinese authorities and returning on their own through the trails on the border; receiving 162 cases, with nearly 4,300 Vietnamese citizens, 1 Pakistani citizen handed over by the Chinese authorities, handing over to the authorities for quarantine according to the regulations. They have also successfully established and fought against 11 specialized cases, arrested, prosecuted 27 cases with 54 subjects and 107 criminals sponsoring illegal entry and exit.