Friday,  09/20/2024

Enhancing ethic of teachers: Change from the campaign

– Implementing the campaign “Each teacher is an example of morality, self-study and creativity” launched by the Vietnam Education Union, over the past time, the Provincial Education Union has widely deployed it in the education sector. Thereby, there has been a strong change in the teachers’ sense of cultivation and training.

Ms. Ha Thi Thuy Hang, Chairwoman of the Provincial Education Union said: “In order to deepen the campaign, the Education Union has coordinated with the Department of Education and Training to issue guidelines and direct educational institutions in the province to develop ethical standards in association with professional standards of teachers and educational administrators; linking the campaign with the emulation movements “Innovation and creativity in teaching and learning”, “teachers help colleagues to develop”… Since then, these activities creates a strong change in the awareness and action of practicing revolutionary ethics, professional ethics, promotes the efforts to overcome the difficulties in self-study and self-improvement, gradually improving their political, professional and pedagogical skills…”

The leader of the Department of Education and Training awarded the certificates of merit to excellent teachers at the provincial level (photo taken in April 2021)

From the campaign, the awareness of training and learning to improve the professional qualifications of the teachers has been increasingly promoted. Every year, the percentage of teachers who meet and exceed the standards of the sector is increased. If in the 2016-2017 school year, the whole province has 6,082 over 11,586 (52.5%) high school administrators and teachers with university degrees or higher, then by the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, the province has 6,852/10,838 (over 63%) managers and teachers in high schools with university degrees or higher.

Along with that, through the campaign, many typical units and individuals constantly learning, practicing to improve their professional skills to affirm the capacity, quality of teaching and inspired creativity for students have appeared. From 2016 up to now, the whole province has 606 times that the units of the sector winning the title of excellent labor unit; 320 groups and 516 individuals were awarded certificates of merit by the Provincial People’s Committee; 61 groups and 130 individuals were awarded certificates of merit by the Ministry of Education and Training; 1 individual was awarded the title of National Emulation Fighter.

Ms. Dang Tien Giang, teacher of Mathematics, Cao Loc High School, Cao Loc district (one of 99 young teachers nationwide, honored by the Secretariat of the Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union as typical young teacher at the Central level for the 2nd time in 2020) said: “During my working time, I always learn from my colleagues and improve my knowledge from books, regularly look for methods and come up with initiatives in teaching, such as the initiative “Some methods to find general terms of a series of numbers” applied in the training gifted students in Mathematics for exams in 2019-2020 school year. Thereby, the Math team led by me achieved 6 prizes, including 1 second prize, 1 third prize and 4 encouraging prizes at the provincial exam for excellent students in 2020.”

Not only improving their qualifications, the teachers also actively cultivate ethics and professional qualities, often support each other in their profession. If in the 2016-2017 school year, the whole province has more than 1,300 turns of teachers registering to participate in the movement to help colleagues develop, then from the last 2 school years, more than 7,000 turns of teachers each year have registered to participate in this movement.

Ms. Ha Thi Khanh Van, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, said: the campaign “Each teacher is an example of morality, self-study and creativity” implemented in collaboration with the Education Union has really been effective to motivate staff and teachers to make efforts to overcome difficulties, improve their capacity, train their personality, quality, and determine to successfully complete tasks of every school year. Thereby, it contributes to building an increasingly stronger team of teachers, improving the quality of education and training in the province